The african solidarity she found its meaning in the context of the pandemic of the Covid-19 ? After Madagascar, which has given cartons of its remedy, the Covid-Organics, twenty african countries to help them cope with the disease, the coronavirus, Morocco is part of the same dynamic, and flies to the rescue of fifteen sub-saharan african countries with medical aid mass : 8 million masks, 900 000 visitors, 600 000 charlottes, 60 000 coats, 30 000 litres of hydroalcoholic gel, 75 000 boxes of chloroquine and 15 000 boxes of azithromycin, everything from factories moroccan in accordance with the standards required by the WHO. It is much more than China, and its six million masks distributed to the 54 african States. “King Mohammed VI has given his high instructions to the delivery of medical aid to several african sister countries. This support aims to provide medical equipment preventive, to support sister african countries in their efforts to combat the pandemic of Covid-19 “, indicates a communiqué from the moroccan ministry of Health.

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A strong signal for south-South cooperation

Concretely, the kingdom of morocco has risen rapidly acts to the words. Since Sunday, June 14, the cargo of the airline company Royal Air Maroc is active again on the tarmacs of airports in africa. Nouakchott, Dakar, and Niamey were the first capitals to receive these donations of drugs and equipment. “The sending of this aid, made up of hardware and medical equipment, is timely for us in Mauritania, to the extent that it will support the government in this very difficult period to cope with the spread of the pandemic “, welcomed the head of diplomacy, Ismail Ould Sheikh, in a statement to the news agency of morocco.

” The gift is extremely important that hm the king has wanted to do for Senegal in the framework of the response against the Covid-19 is the expression of a great solidarity and a fraternity, but mostly of the friendship binding our two peoples “, stressed the minister of Health, Abdoulaye Diouf Sarr, who has approved on behalf of the senegalese president Macky Sall this medical assistance in morocco.

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At the time we write these lines, the flights continued, the Congo, Burkina Faso and Guinea have already been delivered. King Mohammed VI announced in April the launch of a “solidarity action” in favour of african countries to allow for “sharing of experiences” in the management of the pandemic. This country of 35 million people has been relatively unaffected by the new coronavirus, with 8 793 contamination cases and 212 deaths formally documented. But especially the kingdom of morocco has distinguished itself from the beginning of the crisis by transforming its textile factories in plants for the manufacture of masks. Thus, at least 7 million face masks in single use, and a million masks of fabric out each day of production chains. At a time when the moroccan authorities have decided to launch a déconfinement more outspoken this week with the reopening of businesses, the reboot is not as obvious for other countries, particularly those of the South, and the main international partners are too absorbed by their own challenges.

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take Advantage of the experience of the kingdom

It should be noted that this initiative comes at a time when uncertainties surround the acceleration of the pandemic on the african continent, so far relatively unscathed. According to the world health Organization, the epidemic is gaining ground. “It took 98 days to reach the milestone of 100 000 cases detected, and only 18 to cross the 200 000 “, clocked in, last week, Matshidiso Moeti, WHO regional director for Africa : “Even if these registered cases in Africa account for less than 3 % of the global total, it is clear that the pandemic is accelerating. Fast action and early african countries has helped to keep these numbers relatively low, but constant vigilance is necessary to prevent the Covid-19 from overwhelming the health facilities “, she added. Although a time overwhelmed by the cases of coronavirus, the kingdom of morocco has decided that all future cases of Covid will be grouped in two health facilities located in Benslimane and Benguérir.

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Africa : when Jack Ma trace sa route Morocco : Containment”, when you hold us again ! “Morocco : this mask that the Covid-19 is expected to carry the economy Covid-19 : value of moroccan Morocco began a very careful déconfinement