Many students should now be able to submit an application for a Bridging allowance in the Corona-crisis. The crowd was already on the first day enormously.

Many part-time jobs in the Corona-crisis ceased to exist. Hard the especially students who have to Finance their studies hits. Now, it is to provide for students in Need of financial assistance, which can be digitally requested.

Corona-grants for students – many want to request for bridging money

Update 16. June 2020: student , the corona due are demonstrably in Need, should be able to Corona-grants of the Federal government on the Internet request. From today (16. June) 12 noon the application should be on the Portal actually, possible. However, many students had problems to reach the page. On demand of the German student is a speaker on Tuesday afternoon, explained why: “The page is broken if the large crowds. We are under extreme pressure to resolve this and ask the students to use the coming days for the submission of the application.” Students should, therefore, should not be alarmed by the page in the meantime for the violence temporarily not available – – not fond of it, that you already the application to get the Bridging . But you should use instead in the coming days. Thus, there will be no disadvantage to you in the student Union, according to so.

The – grants of up to € 500 per month can in the future be filed online, and do not have to be repaid, such as BR Online had reported. According to the Directive of the Federal Ministry for education and research, grant amount governed by the account status of the student or of the student at the time of application and be staggered, it says: “the account balance is below 100 Euro, the maximum rate is 500 Euro, when an account is 100 Euro from the state was under 500 euros, still”, writes BR Online specifically. the applications are need to be made, therefore, only for the months of June, July and August possible, for each calendar month separately and can also be provided only for the current month.

requirements for a successful application are, according to the report, among other things, a enrolment for the summer semester 2020 , a domestic Bank account , and a documentation of all the account statements since February or March, depending on the date of receipt of the last salary.

Corona-grants for students in Need – up to 500 Euro per month

article 15. June 2020: students who are advised by the Corona-crisis* is in a financial emergency can Tuesday (16. June) Corona-grants from the Federal government on the Internet request. The – grants of up to 500 euros month online can be requested, and would not have to be paid back to, said Federal research Minister Anja Karliczek (CDU), the news Agency AFP, on Monday. The BBC had previously reported about it.

The applications would then be processed by the local competent students or Student services, the Minister said, according to AFP also. The help am students from home and abroad, regardless of age and number of Semesters. Who was in a proven, pandemic-related emergency, is entitled to the new Bridge support. First of all, the assistance could be requested for the months of June, July and August .

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Corona-grants for students in Emergency account is crucial

on Tuesday, 12 o’clock should be the time of application, the Portal possible, as the Secretary General of Deutsches Studentenwerk Achim Meyer said at the Heyde AFP,. “We now have the application tool, but we need a few days to develop the machining tool,” said the DSW-Secretary-General, the AFP report from 15. June, according to. From the 25. June, the processing of applications should be possible. “Then, of course, we hope to be able in June to pay off.”

criteria for the temporary assistance of the account balance , as well as the fact whether the students have lost their Jobs or their parents can no longer support pandemic-related, were the DSW said the General Secretary of AFP,. To prevent fraud, will the state of the account since the last income tested.

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Many part-time jobs for students are in corona, crisis ceased to exist

In the case of an account not to claim from 500 Euro to insist on the grant, including, he will be calculated on a sliding scale. Who, for example, has 200 euros on the account, to receive for the month of submission of the application 300 euros bridging aid, the AFP news Agency reported also.

According to a survey by the German Student Union, approximately two-thirds of the student were prior to the spread of the Corona Virus-and female students a part-time job to Finance your studies, how in addition, reported. Many of these Jobs, for example, in the restaurant business, however, ceased to exist now.

sources:, AFP,

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