Corona outbreak in the North of Hesse: Because of the refugees ‘ accommodation were tested in Eschwege positive for the Virus, has now ordered a quarantine.

Corona outbreak in Eschwege in the North of Hessen In a refugee accommodation residents a positive effect on Covid-19 The property tested have been, according to a circular speaker now quarantine

Update from Tuesday, 16.06.2020, 18.42 PM: of The Werra-Meißner-Kreis, published in the evening-to-date Figures to the Corona-outbreak in a refugee accommodation in Eschwege. Therefore have been tested all the 119 residents on the Coronavirus. To the two already known cases, six more Infected have been added. The circular requires that a “special sensitivity” there was, therefore, appropriate safety precautions had been taken””. Target compliance with the quarantine regulations.

Update from Tuesday, 16.06.2020, 14.44 at: Only slightly hinted on Tuesday morning that in the yellow building complex on the Eschwege Max-Woelm-Strasse 119 people are because of the Coronavirus in quarantine. Only two signs, and a single police car to see on the high bushes protected the former factory site.

The residents of the facility, two of which have a positive effect on the Coronavirus tested have been on hold in the building – waiting for the Tests by the Department of health of the Werra-Meißner-Kreis. The swabs according to the First circle associate Dr. Rainer wallmann (Green) instead of beige directly in the community property.

Corona in a refugee home: 119 people tested

no later than Wednesday to be tested for all of 119 people in Corona . Was the most decisive according to the wall man, that is added to the knowledge of the two Covid-19-case immediately all the concerned contact persons in quarantine, and the in – and output of the accommodation have prevented. This is mainly for Precautionary and safety reasons, so been decided. “We must proceed with the utmost caution, but also so consistently, so that no’ infection ‘forms”, said district administrator Stefan Reuß (SPD) and Wallmann, on Monday evening, as the cases were in the Eschwege accommodation known.

On Tuesday morning was to the safety and compliance with the quarantine regulation the police on the site. This had to guard the site, because you’ve found a Quick any suitable security service. According to the First circuit associate we are currently looking for a security service that could replace the police. You waste an Overview of the Corona monkey currently in the resting Situation, reported the wall man.

“at The Moment, I’m going to assume that by the end of the week, a result and we know, have infected as many residents of the accommodation with the Coronavirus ,” says Wallmann. In the connection it was a matter for the health Department of the circle then to meeting on the Basis of the results of a decision, and to consider how far the quarantine will continue to run.

Corona in a refugee home: Awo supplied to the Affected

A large organization expenses, meanwhile, is the operator of the accommodation, the workers ‘ welfare in the Werra-Meißner (Awo): 119 people, including families with children, must be supplied because of the Corona-outbreak s in the refugee camp with life important things. “Today we have made a bulk purchase for emergency care,” said Awo-managing Director Martin Weis Becker on Tuesday. You build a supply infrastructure, so that all people can be cared for. So was thought that families could make a shopping list with the most vital to the Awo staff.

+ Corona outbreak in the North of Hesse: residents of a refugee accommodation under quarantine (Icon photo)©picture alliance/dpa/ Marcel Kusch

This Work would be done to a large part of the main official, who received but also the support of volunteer learning. “We assume that we have clarity quickly, how many people are infected,” said Weisbecker.

Corona outbreak in refugee accommodation – residents under quarantine

Original message from Tuesday, 16.06.2020, 8.20 PM: Eschwege – After two residents of the community shelter for refugees in Eschwege (In the North of Hessen ) a positive effect on the Covid-19- Virus were tested, created contact lists, and from Precautionary and protection reasons, to provide all residents at Corona quarantine .

For the protection of the residents and of the population in the North of Hesse, this single was taken-reaching measure, which requires a lot of sensitivity and understanding.

Monitoring and compliance with the Quarantine be taken appropriate measures in consultation with the health Department, the workers ‘ welfare as a supervisor of residents, and the police . All residents are short-term tested.

Corona outbreak in the North of Hesse: residents of a refugee accommodation under quarantine

Overall, are affected by the measure 119 residents. Specifically, the County asks in the North of Hessen, the many volunteer helpers of the residents for your understanding and support.

“We must proceed with the utmost caution, but also so consistently, so that no” infection “forms”, as district administrator Stefan Reuß and the first district councillor Dr. Rainer Wallmann.

Corona outbreak in the North of Hesse: residents of a refugee accommodation under quarantine

were also two refugee accommodation in Melsungen, Germany, and Guxhagen (In the North of Hesse) under Corona-quarantine*. The district administration shall communicate on request. In both facilities there are currently several confirmed Corona cases. In Melsungen three residents of Covid are ill-19, and in Guxhagen two.

In a refugee accommodation in Baunatal-herting Hausen (Region of Kassel) have infected nearly half of all residents with the Corona Virus. Here, too, a quarantine has been* arranged. The district spokesman Harald cooling born is reported on request. It 30 of the 62 inhabitants of the circle’s own community accommodation had been tested positive. In all those Infected, there is a mild course of the disease, no one had gotten to the hospital, confirmed the spokesman.

Luisa Ebbrecht

* is part of the nationwide Ippen-Digital editors network