The u.s. department of Justice is formal : Steven Carrillo was shot to death police officer Patrick Underwood, firing at him from his vehicle during a peaceful demonstration against police violence in Oakland, may 29. This sergeant of the us air force, was charged Tuesday with the murder of a police officer in california. The suspect is linked to a right-wing group and is accused of having shot down a total of two agents. It is eight days after the event of 29 may, which is caused after the death of George Floyd in Minneapolis, that the van of Steven Carrillo was found more in the south of California, near the town of Santa Cruz.

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When the officers approached the residence of Steven Carrillo, he has ambushed and killed a second agent, Damon Gutzwiller. The military for 32 years was finally arrested after he stole a vehicle and tried to escape. According to the authorities, it is associated with the ideology of ” boogaloo “, an anti-government, which promotes the civil war and racial and whose followers often hold assault rifles or wearing military clothing in public.

other militants of the extreme right previously arrested

According to information of local media, Steven Carrillo, who owned his home and in his van, weapons, and ammunition, and how to make a bomb, should have written “boog” on the hood of his vehicle, with his own blood, at the time of his arrest. “The term’ boogaloo was used by extremists to refer to a violent uprising or a civil war imminent in the United States, ” said Tuesday the prosecutor David Anderson at a press conference in Oakland.

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This is the second case of arrest of activists of the extreme right in connection with the protest movement history that have followed the death of George Floyd, asphyxiated under the knee of a white policeman in Minneapolis on may 25. In Las Vegas, three militants of extreme right-wing were charged in early June for inciting violence during peace marches at the end of may. Depending on the services of the federal attorney general of Nevada, and Nicholas Trutanich, the three men belonged also to the moving ” Boogaloo “, and were in possession of a Molotov cocktail.

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FOG – The racialisme, this “good” racism of the left