forced After 15 weeks of closure is allowed to open the Therme Erding again. On Tuesday afternoon, the Bavarian Economics Minister Hubert Aiwanger (FW) gave the spas the Green light.

The Bavarian Prime Minister has far-announced-reaching loosening of the Coronavirus-payments measures. Among other things, the pool may open again in the future. Also for the Therme Erding, this means the start of after a long thirst for All News and info around the district of Erding route, you can always find up to date and only in the us*, in our weekly regions-Newsletter for Erding, as well as in our App.

Erding – “We are so easy , that we can finally go back to the Start ,” says managing Director and authorized signatory Marcus Maier in an interview with our newspaper. Quite, he was not surprised by the announcement Aiwangers . “We had received signals that what you’re doing.” He also believed it, because in other German States and in Austria, the baths are now open .

Due to Corona-Lockdown: Therme had considered legal action

Otherwise would have done owner Jörg Sore, maybe a little. After a Spa Hotel complained in the Bavarian forest, with success, against the forced closure of your Spa , “have we considered legal action,” said Maier.

However, for legal banter has been in the Spa Allee now is not the time. “Legally, we are likely to already next Monday open . But we still need some time,“ explains Maier. The last of the construction sites would have to be completed, as well as the entire Spa needs to be cleaned and the water is heated.

Therme Erding breathing: the gastronomy upgrades – short-time working runs out

the catering partner had already begun to order Goods and prepare for the re-opening of their Restaurants and bars .

Approximately 900 employees were on 13. March must literally be over night 100% short-time work sent. Only a rump force of 60 employees remained. “We’ll get her back now very quickly,” says Maier. Although not all could be employed to 100 percent, “but 60 to 80 percent”. Since Tuesday afternoon, glow in the Spa in the wires .

To the Corona-break: Therme Erding opens again – a lot of hurdles

Maier is looking forward not only that, the Spa again , but also the fact that many other barriers have fallen. The detailed implementing provisions, it is expected to the Spa Allee in the next few days, “but according to the state of things, we must heat up the saunas, you must only adhere to ten square feet per guest and can live without an Online booking system ,” says Maier. The latter would have deterred guests may. That it is allowed in the saunas for the time being, no infusions, and also the steam baths are still taboo , can Maier, bearable. “Which is not sought after in the summer, anyway.”

Therme Erding: no event program to be this summer

Equally acceptable, in that there is not yet a programme of events and the big summer parties, with thousands of visitors this is due to the Virus is literally in the water. “We have cancelled everything, because it is already prohibited. In the current Phase of large-scale events would tend to cause skepticism“, the Manager is convinced.

He is happy that man is a week’s go to the Start , and not during the holidays. “So we can our safety and hygiene concept test.” Until August, when all the provinces have the holiday, attributed to Maier with the first major crush. At 20 square feet per guest to 4000 guests could be admitted at a time, ten square meters, about 6000. “But so many are there> in the beginning assured </strong ."

After a long Corona-Pause: the Hotel opens only at 1. July

Now it pays off that the Spa has early developed a concept for the time after the Lockdown . The coffers are fitted with plexiglass Windows, stickers on the floor, also the minimum and disinfectant and Mouth guard in sufficient number available.

the Spa, affiliated to Hotel Victory opens on Wednesday, 1. July, its doors again. To you can spend the night at the Wellness oasis but, from the very first day – in the guest house.

A couple of issues are to be resolved according to Maier to: In which fields of the mask of duty is ? May be used in the shower? And how many visitors are at the same time in the water and in the other areas allowed . All of this is for him to handle.

* is part of the nationwide Ippen-Digital editors network.