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Ex-consultants rises in the tell-all book explosive allegations against Trump

06.31 PM: foreign policy based on gut feeling, dangerous ignorance, and an irrepressible desire for a second term in office, the former National security describes an Advisor to John Bolton, the style of government of US President Donald Trump. He also accuses the President, in his new tell-all book, his personal interests above the interests of the country and his office repeatedly to have abused, according to US media reported on Wednesday. Trump, in turn, has accused Bolton, to always tell the truth. Faced with recent allegations of the President of the “Wall Street Journal”, said Bolton was a “liar” that everyone hated in the White house. The allegations in the Overview:

re-election as a leitmotif

“It is really difficult to identify any significant decision-making Trumps during my time in the White house, which was not driven by Considerations for his re-election,” writes Bolton in a pre “Wall Street Journal” published Chapter. Even the struggle with China, a trade agreement I want to use Trump openly for his re-election, reported the “New York Times” citing the book, to be published next Tuesday – if it is not blocked at the request of the White house by a court.

the prevention of investigations

Bolton writes according to the paper, that impeachment proceedings against Trump, not only because of the allegations in the Ukraine affair, but also because of other cases would have been justified. Trump had repeatedly prevented a criminal investigation in favor of “dictators”, such as China and Turkey. It was ZTE, among other things, investigations against the company and Halkbank have gone, writes Bolton accordingly. “The pattern of behavior appeared to be obstruction of justice as an everyday business and what we could not accept,” said Bolton. He had directed his concerns at the time, in writing, to the Minister of justice, William Barr. AFP-US President and his then security adviser John Bolton in April 2018

dialing aid from China

In regard to China, Trump had made in the negotiations of a trade agreement on several occasions clear that he was concerned to achieve a result that would allow him, in the case of the U.S. election in November in the agriculturally dominated to win States, writes Bolton accordingly. China’s promise to buy more agricultural products, were an important part of the agreement. Trump had asked China’s President, Xi Jinping, to ensure, “that he would win,” writes Bolton accordingly. “He stressed the importance of farmers and the larger Chinese purchases of soybeans and wheat for the outcome of the election,” wrote Bolton.

“A President is allowed to the legitimate Power of the government not to abuse, in which he puts his personal interests with the interests of the country …,” writes Bolton on Trump. Against the adviser to the President, including the son of Jared Kushner, son-in-law Bolton from – self-criticism, lack of goods, on the other hand seems.

is part of Finland to Russia?

Bolton, who had worked together for one and a half years closely with Trump, accused the President based his foreign policy often on gut feeling and ignorance. So Trump didn’t know that Britain was a nuclear power and the question of whether Finland belong to Russia, such as Bolton of the New York Times that writes. In addition, Trump is a Nato-outlet seriously considered an Invasion of Venezuela as a “cool” have referred to.

Bolton explains, it was clear that trump would result in personal diplomacy with the North Korean ruler Kim Jong-Un never to a satisfactory result. During a meeting with the North Koreans in 2018, Minister Mike Pompeo Bolton have outside is a piece of paper, in which those about Trump wrote: “The talks so much shit”.

White house wants to release

prevent The U.S. government had filed on Tuesday a lawsuit against the publishing of the book. Bolton spread secret information, and is harmful to the national security, it was said to the grounds. Bolton have received around two million dollars (1.78 million euros) for the book, it was more. The publisher Simon & Schuster criticized the action with sharp and spoke of efforts disagreeable to suppress information.

Yet there was no book Trumps the tightest inner circle in the White house, whose author was known – there was, however, an anonymous book. Trump had hate Bolton in September because of disagreements with Iran, North Korea and other topics. Bolton said he had terminated, the President wants to have him kicked out. The nearly 600-page work “The Room Where It Happened” (for example: The room in which it happened), was originally supposed to appear in March, the publication was however stopped by the White house.

Bolton want to speak now in a detailed TV interview to be broadcast on Sunday. In a pre-release Interview-neckline Bolton, the President of Russia Vladimir Putin believe said that he could manipulate Trump at will, because this is not a “serious opponent”. “I don’t think he makes about him”. Putin is in the advantage, because he had spent his whole life in order to pursue Russia’s strategic Position in the world, while Trump nothing about such issues, “read, or want to learn”.

U.S. policy: Trump wants to let the book of his Ex-adviser to stop

Wednesday, 17. June, 06.53 PM: US President Donald Trump wants to stop the publication of an obviously highly controversial book of his former security adviser John Bolton with legal means. The U.S. government filed on Tuesday in Federal court in Washington lawsuit against the for the next week is scheduled to Appear in the book. It should contain serious allegations against Trump.

In the lawsuit, it is argued, Bolton have not kept to the set by the government approval process for the publication of a book. The book should appear on the next Tuesday, without his examination was completed by the government not for the publication of permissible secret information. In its present Form the work contains such information, and therefore constitutes a “clear violation” against the terms of Bolton’s previous job in the White house.

The publisher is Simon & Schuster advertises the publication, saying “This is the book Donald Trump doesn’t want you to read it”. In General, it is expected that the former security consultant expresses in detail to the Ukraine affair, because of the – ultimately failed – impeachment proceedings against the President have been initiated.

According to the publisher, announcements of Bolton casts the President, not only in dealing with Kiev heavy incorrect behavior, but also on a number of other foreign policy fields. In a pre-published extract from the Bolton writes, almost all of the important decisions Trumps were determined by choice of tactical “calculus” – a just five months before the presidential election, a particularly sensitive accusation. In addition, Bolton is reported according to the publisher about the “Chaos in the White house”.

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