The Coronavirus case in the district of Munich, a two-digit level constant in the bottom. The best test centers and medical structure is to remain. Not least for the case of a second Virus wave.

County – the Corona location in the County has relaxed, also shows the weekly call of the chief administrative officer with members of the press: it Took a few weeks ago like an hour and a half, yesterday was 15 minutes, actually everything Important said. The infection figures, especially the 7-day incidence, the estimated cases for the last seven days-per 100 000 of the population, are “very low”. Only a new case of hair there are. In a care facility, there is currently a Covid-19 affected residents. Equally, a sick asylum-seekers.

the end of the disaster if is not the end of the test centers to be

also, the Tests in the Corona test centres in the municipalities are therefore on the decline, according to Christoph Göbel (CSU). Not all of them are still in operation. As it is going on with them, had not yet been decided, said Göbel. Basically, the end of the Disaster event means, the Prime Minister Markus Söder announced this week, also the end for all in the Corona-crisis structures in the district. Would like to give up the district administrator, however, neither the medical coordination nor the rest of the infrastructure. “We are not looking for the easy way, how might it be under another title” – which, from legal, financial, and organizational reasons, not so easy. However, the infection should pay in the autumn, back up quick, would like to be prepared for the district administrator. “Is the infrastructure coming from it, it is much more difficult to reactivate them again,” said Göbel. The coordination staff in the district office, which was established at the beginning of the Corona-crisis is not resolved.

Not a great testimony to celebrate for the graduating classes

The district administration has also warned to take the new relaxations in everyday life lightly. For many now “felt it was allowed to more or less everything”. But also for private celebrations such as weddings or birthdays, for the from 22. June up to 50 guests indoors and 100 guests are allowed in Free, does not mean that they should celebrate being pushed as before sealing. As it was, the safety distance is observed. Unfortunately this year for the high school graduates in the district was applied, for which this 50 – or 100-people limit also at the graduation ceremony. “This is hard for the students and their families, but, as always, a certificate ceremony may not take place this year.” But Goebel is confident that schools will find Alternatives.

district administrator: “Some of the rules I do not understand is not allowed”

Why art and cultural events in the inner portion 100 and outer 200 people, develops, Göbel. “Some regulation, I don’t understand, but it will import everything.”

With a bit of worry, he looks forward to the autumn. When the temperatures drop, more people are in enclosed spaces. He advertises for the new Corona-App of the Ministry of health, which he himself installed. “As many as possible should take advantage of,” said Göbel. “This would also facilitate us in the event of a Aufkeimens multiple infections the work.”

Still bottlenecks in the protection of materials

Also in matters of protective clothing the district will experience no more bad Surprises: More than a Million FFP2 and FFP3 masks are stacked in the warehouse. Delivery bottlenecks there is, however, in the case of protective suits. But perhaps a second wave out of remains Yes. Göbel says: “You have to be reasonable.”