The debate to a 5G transmitter mast has the Ickinger a long time. In an open letter to the topic of the UBI has now received the first answers.

Icking – Already some years ago announced that Vodafone, to the South of the Ickinger sports place a cell tower build. So far no planning application exists, but the discussion on 5G heated since then, the minds. In order to get to the questions of the citizens who remained in the Council is open, an answer to the Independent citizens list, Icking (UBI) wrote in February an Open letter.The addressee, among other things, the Prime Minister, Markus Söder, state Minister, Hubert Aiwanger, the district administrator Josef Niedermeier as well as deputies from the country and the Bundestag were.

Icking: First feedback on the open letter of the UBI

Meanwhile, the UBI received a first feedback on your Writing, informed the Chairman of Georg Linsinger in a press release. Replied the members of the Landtag Albert Duin (FDP), and Hans Urban (Green), the Bavarian state Ministry for environment and consumer protection, as well as Dr. Peter Miehle, subject librarian for Economics, land development, energy, the media and the digitization of the Free voters. “We look forward to further replies eagerly,” writes Linsinger.

to give The politicians take in their answers, among other things, position to the existing German limit values, potential hazards and damage caused by 5G, as well as to the requirement of the land use planning of the municipalities more room.

5G: politicians take a position on the possible hazards

According to the words of the FDP deputies Duin the current limits ensure, “to expect that according to current scientific knowledge, there is no impact on health.”. The Eurasburger Green MEP, Urban explained: “The assertion that Germany would have some of the highest limits that is untrue.” These values are based according to him on the recommendations made by the world health organization (WHO) and other expert bodies “on the basis of scientific findings”. With this statement, the Ministry of the environment and consumer protection includes.

damage to Health by 5G to be confirmed in any of the Writing. “Taking into account the extensive Study, no information on the health risks of mobile radio radiation can be in compliance with the applicable limits found,” writes about Urban. “The only clear proven mechanism of action on the human organism is a tissue warming.”

infrastructure of mobile telephony “clear task of the state”

The requirement to give the municipalities the land-use planning, more space, reject both Urban as well as Miehle of the Free voters decided. For Urban infrastructure of mobile phone communication is a “clear duty of the state”. He emphasises that there is already a “variety of options” for communities to take on the choice of location for the mobile radio systems of influence.

last year, the dispute about the new mobile technology 5G is escalated in Icking: A citizen who wanted to make a plot of land at the sports ground for a radio masts, has been threatened.



All replies to the Open letter can be found on the Internet at .