The insults flew between the two hawks. The head of the american diplomacy Mike Pompeo reported as well, Thursday 18 June 2020, the “lies” of John Bolton, a former adviser to Donald Trump who publishes a book of vitriol against the president of the United States. “It is both sad and dangerous that the last public role of John Bolton is a traitor who damages the America by violating the sacred trust that binds him to his people “, he said in a press release. It is not denied, however, not specifically a passage in the book, according to which he would himself have said, in 2018, to the person who was then national security adviser to the president, Donald Trump didn’t tell ” that’s bullshit “.

” I have not read the book, but according to the excerpts published, John Bolton spreading of many lies, whether it is half-truths, well-wrapped or downright untruths “, said the secretary of State. “To our friends around the world : you know that the American president Trump is a positive force for the world “, he concluded in this brief news release, entitled “I was also in the room,” in reference to the title of the book of John Bolton to be published Tuesday, “The Room” Where It Happened ” (The room where it happened).

also Read How John Bolton torpedo the re-election of Donald Trump


In this book, including extensive passages have leaked in recent days, the former adviser to sacked in September depicts a Donald Trump misguided and obsessed with his re-election at the risk of endangering the United States. It also tells how Mike Pompeo, who appear in public with a loyalty to any event with respect to the billionaire republican, has shown more than once critical in his back.

According to this story, in particular, he felt in private that the policy of reconciliation with North Korea that it has never ceased to defend does not officially had ” no chance to succeed.” And after listening to a conversation presidential on the same folder, it has dropped to the author of the book “having almost had a cardiac arrest” because of the words of Donald Trump.