Andreas Scheuer might be sorry for almost. The Federal Minister of transport seems to have the Negative headlines to be leased. It is recalled that the Disaster to the failure of the toll for Cars and the expert-excesses in his Ministry, and the ongoing accusations of his critics, he was idle, incapable, and meet many wrong decisions.

Now a new danger–, of all things, a thing for which he had originally been from many sides praised threatens the CSU-politician from Passau. The amended road traffic regulations, in place since the end of April 2020. According to the new rules of the streets, threatening Rescue-Bullies tougher penalties, but also car drivers, the Parking on the pedestrian and cycle path or in the second row keep.

New Tempo rule: At 21 km/h too fast your license

The most dramatic Change, however, concerns the prosecution of speed violations. The new catalog of fines requires, that a speed limit by 21 km/h, the driver’s license for a month is fed, outside of the towns from 26 km/h. Previously, the 31 and 40 km/h.

At the Start of the innovations at the end of April Minister Scheuer was tightening still full of praise for the Criminal. “The new rules strengthen, in particular, the weaker traffic participants,” he enthused.

Scheuer: scheme is forbidden to drive “excessive”

But barely three weeks later, rowed Scheuer and called for a Revision of the fine catalog. In particular, the passage of the driving bans for speeding motorists was “disproportionate”, said the Minister. With mitigation the level of acceptance among the citizens and the justice should perceive to be restored.

in fact, it rained plenty of criticism of the new sanctions. So 160.000 citizens Petition “driver’s license-have so far of the highway code the case of the amendment to undo” connected make. In the same direction, applications of the AfD and the FDP objectives, about the middle of may, in the Bundestag debate. Criticism also came from motorists club ADAC. Speeding offences would now be punished “disproportionately hard”, it said.

All of the provinces agreed with the penalties would be enhanced to

Apparently deeply impressed by the protests, wants the Minister to make scouring the fast licence withdrawal for speeders now, therefore, reversed. According to him, is painted in the current scheme, at the latest, in the fall of 2020. However, the CSU-man has to reckon with strong counter-wind. Perhaps the dispute is highly cooks even to the new Zoff-topic within the government coalition of the CDU and the SPD. The first signs are there.

it is a fact that The Federal Council had decided on the revised road traffic order – so the penalties would be enhanced for speeders – in February 2020 unanimously. Even the now Changes pressing the FDP, in two countries (Rhineland-Palatinate, and Schleswig-Holstein) the Minister of transport had approved the project. Scheuer wants to overturn the decisions, he would have to change the minds of some of the Federal States and a new decision in the Bundesrat cause.

SPD parliamentary group in the Bundestag rejects Scheuers plans strictly from

Although the Bundestag is not involved in the process formally and does not have to agree to the Changes, but even there, Scheuers Volte is hotly debated. The SPD parliamentary group has already positioned itself clearly. She rejects Scheuers plans, the tightening of the rules to take back, “decided”.

The responsible Rapporteur of the SPD parliamentary group in the Bundestag, Bela brook, told FOCUS Online: “The Federal Council has adopted the amendment to the road Traffic regulations including all Changes of the fine catalog, unanimously. It is not clear why the Federal Minister Scheuer breaks now before the AfD and the FDP. Also, the CSU-governed Bavaria has approved of the amendment to the course. It is inconsistent and paradoxical, now back to rowing.“ private Bela Bach, SPD member of the Bundestag from Bavaria.

Bach: Minister “for the first balmy breeze bearing

Bach gave in,” recalled that since April rules “to protect the most vulnerable traffic participants, and for more safety on the streets of Germany to provide”. Scheuers Argument that the penalties would be enhanced were a professional driver in a disproportionate way, called it “outrageous”. Because the law now provides that no special hardships arise. “No one should lose his Job because of the tightening of the rules of the StVO, if he’s used to driving responsibly,” says Bach.

The SPD politician accuses Scheuer, to make “to the extended Arm for speeders” and the pressure of strong interest groups to give in. He was bent “at the first warm breeze” thing. At the same time, Bach warns, the theme for upcoming election campaigns, to misuse: “The road traffic safety must not be from fear of the loss of votes in the General election next year, to be sacrificed.”

Bicycle Club: pace of violations is not “smiling through

wave” Similar to that expressed previously, other experts and associations. The head of the accident research of the insurers, Siegfried Brockmann, accused Scheuer, he would not Kow-towing to the Lobby of the “Hardcore drivers”. “He who adheres to the highway code, has nothing to fear.” The General German Bicycle Club (ADFC) has warned that it must be “finally final so that the state is waving the misconduct of the Car, moving slowly, smiling through.” The trade Union of police (GdP) warned: “Excessive speed is one of the largest death and injury on the roads in this country.”

The States whose votes it arrives in the Bundesrat, Yes, spoke to Scheuers plans are rather more cautious. Want to shortly after the adoption of already Changes to make, smell to escape from the responsibility, said about the Chairman of the conference of Ministers of transport, Anke Rehlinger (SPD), from the Saarland. “We should now wait and see how the regulation in practice.”

First, the balance sheets: hundreds of speeders need to make “rag”

First feedback from the authorities, there are already. More than 800 racers had to make in Cologne, Germany since the entry into force of more stringent road traffic regulations by the end of April, your driver’s license temporarily. In the same period in the same period, 64. A similar tendency is reported in other police departments.

In the PCP In the Merkel is the AfD in the Bundestag with the one-liners emergence and garners loud applause, FOCUS Online/Wochit Merkel has AfD in the Bundestag with one-liners emergence and garners loud applause