Yulin is held since 2009, the notorious dog meat Festival once in a year. Cruel pictures of dog Remains, the grilled, dismembered, or on a skewer as a delicacy were offered, resulted in outrage in the past few years.

As the English-language news site “The Sun” reported, filming, animal rights activists secretly, how Recently a market on the outskirts of the city again, dog meat was sold. The dog-meat trade were prohibited until the beginning of June by the Chinese government.

activists to save ten dogs-puppies from certain death

During their visit, as they have the animal rights activists to save ten living puppies, reported “The Sun”. One of the Animal protectionists, Jennifer Chen, said: “I can’t believe anyone would like these adorable little darlings to eat.”

As you have taken the puppy with trembling hands out of the cage, have this licked her trustful hands. “I could easily be a dog meat-eater,” she said.

organization of Dog-Meat Festival under pressure

photographs of the latest shocking scenes set sent to the activists of the animal protection organisation Humane Society International (HSI).

Although the local government had set up the organization of the Dog-Meat festival under pressure, however, it is assumed that still continue to dog meat, and is eaten are sold.

Shameful dog meat trade is reported to be completed

As the “Dailymail”, has turned now to the government and demands that the trade will be instantly set.

she urged: “As the government said, are companions, this puppies, no animals. Cities such as Yulin should implement these words into practice, and this shameful dog meat trade stop.“ Up to 40 degrees are possible: Extreme heat wave rolls on to Germany to PCP Up to 40 degrees are possible: Extreme heat wave rolls on Germany, Merkel has AfD in the Bundestag with one-liners emergence and garners loud applause, FOCUS Online/Wochit Merkel has AfD in the Bundestag with one-liners emergence and garners applause

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