statistics of horror about child abuse shows that It is urgent. Maybrit Illner had to discuss how to combat crimes against children the procedure to be followed.

Maybrit Illner* in the ZDF* the guests discuss the crimes against children. Be punished the offenders, too little hard? Tougher penalties for child abuse required in the Illner talk show .

The victims get a life. The offender to probation, even in the case of repetition. Rarely, the absurd discrepancy between the crimes , and whose punishment is abuse so clearly as in the case of a child. The recent cases in Germany, most recently in Münster, have fuelled an overdue debate on dealing with the victims as criminals. Now Maybrit Illner invited you to a round on the topic: “ Abused children – better protection, tougher penalties?” And it was a conversation, the Tenor of declarations of intent stock according to the Motto: “We must be better”.

Maybrit Illner on ZDF: abuse often happens in the family

The need for evidence of statistics of terror . Per day, so the entry in the consignment, are in need of 43 children miss; the WHO is called a Million abuses on a daily basis in Europe. And Sebastian Fiedler, Chairman of the Federation of German criminal police official, reported that two-thirds of cases of abuse happening within the family and social environment, and in 93 percent of cases, perpetrators and victims. What a cause for this type of crime can proliferate strongly, is already named: The brutal exploitation of trust on the one hand, and the inhibitions to destroy this relationship on the other.

the Look of the environment, the do not want to believe what is happening is to come, according to the Motto: What must not be cannot be. So Sonja Howard put it, once for years by her stepfather abused, and today is involved in the Betroffenenrat of the Independent representative for questions of sexual child abuse at the Federal level. She fights against the stigma of being a “victim”. To the fact many of those Affected would be reduced, which prevents at the same time, a perception as a Person, like Julia, from hamlet, said, Executive Director of the Association “Innocence in Danger”. She pointed out that the amount of actions each of us anyone know of the abuse I experienced – and, presumably, contact with a perpetrator did. Of those, only about 15 percent were “core pedophile,” said Peer Briken,

Talk with Maybrit Illner from Thursday, 18.06.2020, is in the ZDF-Mediathek available. There you can also see the current result of Markus Lanz.

Director of the Institute for sex research and forensic psychiatry in Hamburg, Germany. It is for these crimes to the Exercise of Power and an anti-social attitude. It seems to be hardly any limits to, confirmed Herbert Reul (CDU), interior Minister of North Rhine-Westphalia, who confessed, after Watching some of the image material, no longer was his world, “the same”.

guests at Maybrit Illner (ZDF) are calling for tougher penalties for abuse

Reul don’t want to argue, he wants to act. But how? Minister for the family, Franziska Giffey (SPD), the reality of what had improved, was crucial was: “How do I know that?” Abuse in schools is often not an issue, although statistically in each class, at least two of the Affected seats. Your appeal to “We all need more mindfulness” based Reul, he urged, the issue had to be placed in the center of the society.

Tougher penalties, because the round was agreed, were necessary, but rather as a Signal, because they did not solve the Problem of how to Reul said. Sonja Howard complained that there is still probation for the offender, and Briken referred to the often long duration of proceedings as a result of a “capacity problem” – but unbearable for those Affected. Minister of justice Christine Lambrecht said later, Lanz, that a mere 0.5% of all proceedings ended with a judgment of ten to 15 years to life in prison.

Maybrit Illner abuse: youth services site strengths

Julia von Weiler has learned that a much better psycho-social care was needed, Franziska Giffey wants to strengthen the youth welfare offices and their cooperation with the medical Profession to improve, if not an obligation make.

youth protection in Germany, however, said Sebastian Fiedler, remained in the age of CD-ROM and VHS tape are. Since the criminals use the network to exchange ideas and to enrich by means of divestment of its data (as it is now in Münster), should be able to be pulled platform operators responsible. And data retention will not be abolished (what was said Fiedler, but supported). Reul was quite clear, and Giffey, not to argue, visibly embarrassed, against the party line, had to confess to get carried away, you must “do everything that is necessary and possible.”