In Mali the capital, Bamako, lives to the rhythm of events in the last two weeks. Yesterday, Friday, June 19, a new mobilization gathered several tens of thousands of people. The civil society, a part of the opposition, and religious gathered behind the imam Mahmoud Dicko under the banner of the “Movement of June 5-Rally of patriotic forces” (M5-RFP) were mobilized to demand the resignation of president Ibrahim Boubacar Keïta.

Under a cloudless sky and a blazing sun, after a prayer led by an imam on the Independence square, the national anthem rang out, and then the din of the vuvuzelas took over, while the protesters carried signs where one could read “IBK releases” or ” The dictatorship will not pass “. An organizer cited the number of ” 200,000 people “, a fireman, speaking of ” at least 20,000 “.

Read also : Mali Ecowas to the rescue

What are the latest developments ?

a Sign of the political tensions growing in Mali in recent weeks, this movement expresses the exasperation, fed by the thousands of victims of jihadist attacks and inter-communal violence, the apparent powerlessness of the State to deal with the economic slump, the crisis in public services and of the school, the perception of widespread corruption.

At the head of the M5-RFP, which brings together religious leaders and personalities from civil society like the political world, is a man of growing influence, Mahmoud Dicko, the imam rigorist and patriot, a former ally of president IBK now black beast of power.

to try To ease tensions, the president Keïta, at the head since 2013 of this vast and poor country, has reached out in recent days to his opponents, paving the way for a government of ” national union “. It has also made concessions to teachers strike, by promising salary increases they have been demanding for months.

The imam Dicko, after having met with the head of the State, has maintained his call to protest ” mass “, reserving, however, to claim him-even in his resignation. “He has not learned, he does not listen to the people. But this time, he’ll understand, ” he warned Wednesday in front of the press.

“We’re here for the final victory, there is no negotiation possible, IBK must resign,” said one protester, Mamadou Diakité, a teacher of 42 years. “Today is the last day of the mandate of the IBK “, was responsible for a woman protester, Pussy Djiteye.

according to the UN and the african Union, the economic Community of African States West (Ecowas) has also made an attempt to mediate this week. “It has not given anything “, acknowledged Friday a member of his delegation questioned by the AFP.

” We have agreed to share with the Ecowas because they are good neighbours, we gave them assurances that we’re not going to set fire to the country. But we will fight up to the satisfaction of our demand “, said Friday the imam Dicko to the protesters.

Read also : Mali president Keita reaches out to the coalition of the imam Dicko

What are the risks of an implosion of the situation ?

Thursday, the speaker of the national Assembly, Musa Timbiné, has warned those tempted to yield to the pressures of the street. The “logic” of these events, it is ” to undermine all the institutions. Thread needle, it is the Mali who will be completely occupied by the jihadists. A lot (of those) who walk are with the jihadists “, he said in a plenary session.

These political tensions occur at a time when Mali is still at war against jihadist groups linked to Al-Qaida and the Islamic State. On Sunday, an attack that was allocated to them has made at least 27 dead in the ranks of the malian army.

It is “still too early to declare victory” in the Sahel, where the security situation remains “extremely fragile” despite “undeniable progress” made against the jihadists by the 5 100 French military’s operation Barkhane to the sides of the armed forces, stressed on Thursday the French minister of the Armed forces, Florence Parly.

at the End of June, France and the sahelian countries need to take stock of the past six months since the summit, Pau, while the UN is seeking to convince its members of the merits of the renewal of its mission in Mali, Minusma.

Read also : Mali the demonstration of the power of the imam Mahmoud Dicko

writing will advise you

Issa Kaou Djime : “IBK is the problem of Mali” Mali : the demonstration of the power of the imam Mahmoud Dicko Mali : president Keita reaches out to the coalition of the imam Dicko Mali : Ecowas to the rescue