the Merkel promotes the use of the new Corona App

German Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) has called on all citizens, to the voluntary Use of the new Corona App. The application was “an important helper when it comes to identify chains of Infection and to interrupt,” she said in her weekly video message. “The more people participate, the bigger this Advantage is.”

Merkel campaigned in the on Saturday released a Video of trust in the privacy of the App. You secure the privacy, by encrypt generated data consistently. Spatial data were not collected, data is not stored centrally. The App is also completely voluntary. “There is no reward for the use, and not to your disadvantage if someone decides against it.” dpa/Kay Nietfeld/dpa Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) and their EU colleagues discussed for the first time about the planned economic program for the reconstruction after the Corona-crisis.

The job of the Federal government developed a Warning-the App was launched last Tuesday. You can measure whether cell phone users have come over a longer period of time closer than about two meters. A user is tested positive and has shared this in the App, it informs other users that you have in the vicinity of an Infected stopped. Then you can also be without symptoms on a cash cost of test. The App has now been downloaded more than nine million Times.

Merkel said: “The App can now be our companion and protector.” Without this technical assistance, health boards were still dependent only on the memory and the Information of infected people. The Chancellor urged at the same time: “The most important is to avoid new infections from the outset.” For this, it is still to the behavior. Keep your distance, wash your hands and Wear everyday masks remained essential.

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when hitting the Corona-Warning-App? Expert answers important questions in FOCUS when proposing the Corona-Warning-App? Expert answers important questions

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