Until the end of the month under view, the University medical center Hamburg-Eppendorf, every day more than 100 children for a large-scale study on the Covid-19-disease. Now: How often children will be infected depends on the age.

Only about 1.5 percent of the in a Hamburg study tested children and young people have antibodies to the Coronavirus in the blood.

Only 36 of 2436 children, antibodies were found

show This number that was removed from a herd immunity to the extent that the researchers of the University hospital Hamburg-Eppendorf (UKE) at the presentation of the interim results said.

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The Hamburger had been looking for so far, a total of 2436 children and young people to have antibodies against the Sars-CoV-2 Virus in the blood. Only 36 of them you found which.

another result of the until the end of June the current study: In the case of older children, antibodies against the Coronavirus Sars-CoV-2 to prove more frequent than in younger.

children in the higher age: More movement, more contacts

“That could be related to the fact that these children with age have a larger Radius and an increase in the contact activity to the outside,” said Ania C. Muntau, Director of the clinic and polyclinic for child and youth medicine of the UKE. “Maybe it’s just a question of social behavior.” dpa/George Wendt/dpa Ania Muntau, Director of the clinic for paediatric and youth medicine at the University hospital Eppendorf (UKE.

In the age group of 0 to 9 years were reported to be one percent of a positive antibody detection, in the age group 10 to 18 years of two per cent. The difference was not statistically significant.

With each passing year the probability increases to eight percent

The probability to have a positive antibody test increases with the children in the study with increasing age, it said. “With each year of age to eight percent.” dpa Ania Muntau, Director of the clinic for paediatric and youth medicine, and Stefan Kluge head of the intensive care medicine, both at the University hospital Eppendorf (UKE)

the researchers took the Case of 3107 subjects, a nasopharyngeal swab, an acute infection detected. In the case of any of the children, the result was positive.

“from This we can conclude that the Lockdown actions for the children and young people were in Hamburg,” said the Professor more.

children with pre-existing conditions for antibody detection of rare

Also affected 964 children and young people with chronic conditions were investigated. It was interesting that children with pre-existing conditions when the antibodies were less frequently affected, said Muntau.

In children without pre-existing conditions it will be 1.7 percent, with a pre-existing one percent. “That is to say, perhaps, that you will be more protected.”

In the study C19.CHILD of Hamburg data of around 6000 healthy and chronically ill children and young people with and without symptoms of a Covid-19 infection involved.

involved In the study, in addition to the child-UKE clinics and all the other children in Hamburg.

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