On 21. June 2020, there will be an annular Eclipse of the sun. We explain how the earth, moon and sun, the phenomenon of the produce and where you can see it.

21. June, there is a ring-shaped Eclipse . The moon is from the sun , does not darken it completely. Here you will learn what is behind the phenomenon and to see where it is.

Munich – In the case of a total solar Eclipse pushes the moon is between the sun and the earth so that the sun is obscured altogether. This event occurs annually in the world several times, however, the moon shadow only to a relatively small part of the earth, so that the darkness is for everyone to be equally visible.

in some places, it is not only as a partial Eclipse is visible, elsewhere even. In Germany, there was the last complete blackout 1999 , South America came in last year, in the enjoyment of, Australia in 2018 and the USA in 2017.

Annular solar Eclipse: What is it?

but Then there are also the rare case where the moon moves directly in front of the solar , but not completely obscured. The moon is a blazing Ring to see – that is why we call the phenomenon annular Eclipse (although the Ring is taken to be strictly just is NOT dark) or ” Ring of Fire “.

How can it be that the moon can the sun sometimes hide and sometimes not? This has to do with the distance of closest approach to the earth celestial body of the earth. Although we do not notice it rarely varies from this tremendously.

For the annular solar Eclipse is in June 2020, the moon correctly

at The time of the greatest, close to it are 363.300 kilometers between the earth and the moon, at the time of the greatest distance, however, 405.500 km. Approximately difference of 10 percent.

On 15. June 2020 is the moon in the apogee – the erdfernsten point. Accordingly, the distance on the 21. June is still relatively large. The moon is viewed from earth, slightly smaller, and the sun, can be not completely Verde.

Eclipse of the sun in June 2020 has a focus on the southern hemisphere

The Eclipse on 21. June, total Eclipse of the sun would be so in principle, if the moon is not so far from the earth. From most points on the earth from the phenomenon is to be seen but only as a partial solar Eclipse to.

The center of the darkness migrates from Central Africa to the East, across the Arabian Peninsula to India and China, to the spectacle over the yellow sea ends.

Annular solar Eclipse in Germany

In Europe is mainly to the Southeast in the enjoyment of darkness. Germany is just outside the moon’s shadow, which is why nothing is to see from the darkness.

The next annular Eclipse of the sun hits the Northern hemisphere . It is almost exactly a year later, on 10. June 2021. In Germany, you will be seen as a partial Eclipse of the sun. Until the next total solar Eclipse in Germany, it is still quite a while: she is at the 3. September 2081.

This is to gaze at us before another astronomical event: On 5. June, there is a penumbral Eclipse of the moon.