Twitter is since years the most important communication platform for US President Donald Trump. But at the end of may a dispute: The micro-blog ignited went service underwent a Tweet Trumps a fact check and moved his wrath. He had claimed that postal voting increases risk of electoral fraud. In fact check the wrong was arranged. The President raged.

Now, the Clinch could go into a new round: The U.S. company has once again provided a Tweet from Donald Trump with a warning. Under the on Thursday evening (local time) from Trump shared a Video of a blue exclamation point and the words were “Manipulated media”.

A ‘discrimination’ of the President but this is not. Also when he accused the Tech companies of Silicon Valley like to stand politically on the left and conservative votes, it is hard to have. “The user rules of the platforms are not set in stone, they constantly have to adapt. Just as the Coronavirus crisis have made social networks very, the dissemination of disinformation and conspiracy legends curb,“ explains the communication scientist and expert for Digital media Ulrike Klinger to FOCUS Online. Also Twitter by already since a couple of weeks harder. Basically, warnings and facts checks can meet any political personality. “Prospects” in FOCUS Online

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Nevertheless, the new practice marks a change in the perception of the short message service and falls in a time in which the American society is more divided than ever. The political climate in the US has heated up. During this debate the question of what social networks are allowed at all and what responsibility they must assume in our society, accordingly, also more than ever.

Trump: “Twitter under the freedom of expression”

For the US press-the President is in any case clear that the Intervention of Twitter goes too far. He smells of censorship: “Twitter suppresses the free expression of opinion and I, as President, will not allow that to happen!”

the Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg says that social networks such as Twitter content may classify or comment on it. In an Interview with TV channel “CNBC”, he said: “Political Expressions are one of the most sensitive parts of a democracy.” To require Internet platforms to regulate this, could take a “dangerous” direction.

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However, social networks are not a private space. Platforms like Facebook and Twitter have long been a political Power – whether this was intentional or not. And thus, they also have a significant influence on the formation of opinion. The media scientist Klaus Kamps, and is, therefore, disagree with the Facebook boss: “That Twitter engages now, is the right one. We have experience in short messaging service, just a change of policy by the ethics of Conviction to an ethic of Responsibility.“ Twitter have so far left a lot of half-truths, or by the President of widespread conspiracy theories uncommented, i.e. no responsibility for the content on its platform adopted. “You can have enormous political explosive force,” says Kamps to FOCUS Online.

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When politicians lie, then it could be only right to expose the lie as such, says the media, scientists, and adds: “Twitter has not deleted the Tweets, but the posts only, any other Information provided, so that the Twitter user can classify the message.”

media expert: Twitter has house rules on his / her Account applied

similarly Ulrike Klinger: “Twitter doesn’t ‘has punished the Trump’, but simply the house rules now applied to his Account. So far, Trump Carte had Blanche, because for prominent politicians (“political leaders”) an exception was considered. Everyone should and can make a picture what politician item, the logic behind it. Even now, Twitter will delete Yes no Tweets by Trump.“

Social media are private and commercial platforms, emphasizes Klinger. “You can, and the rules may specify, and the users have and may sanction non-compliance.” Censorship looks so different.

Trump game room Online want platforms

restrict, Nevertheless, Trump announced to the resentment of the short message service Twitter, to the game space of Online platforms in the future restrict, against individual content and user action.

But whether he will have success with it, seems questionable. “This is likely to have in court any inventory,” says Oliver zoellner, Professor of media research and Digital ethics at the Stuttgart media University. The conflict will drag on for a long time. With his announcement, he wanted to distract from the actual internal and external political problems of the United States, he says.

Matthias Kettmann from the Leibniz-Institute for media research, also sees another reason why the US President right now, the ‘fight’ against the social networks has opened: “Donald Trump is worried that his Corona-policy cost him in the November election. So he opened a new Front, by constructing an enemy – ‘the platforms’, which operate ‘UN-American’.” The media expert Ulrike Klinger know, however, that Trump in the election campaign, Twitter needs more “than Twitter Trump”. Finally, he reaches more than 82 million Followers.

new strategies against Fake News

the need is clear: Irrespective of the fact that Twitter is now harder in the Internet jungle are not always easy to answer, what is the news is real and what is invented. “In the election campaign, it’s important to inflate and the other as bad. But we get a new level of Lies and deceit,“ says the media expert, Klaus Kamps. Particularly dangerous, he considers the possibility to manipulate video material and to place people things in the mouth that appear to be real. He says: “you need to get a grip.” Here, the technology is in demand and new competencies need to be developed to deal with such ‘Fake News’ deal.

The awareness about it needs to begin with the education. “It would be safe to introduce a sense a kind of public education, in the Social media will also be critically evaluated and as a result, children learn to develop skills in dealing with manipulative messages,” says Kamps. The world is better than your bad news – FOCUS Online provides you every Friday with the best stories from the field perspectives. Subscribe here for free Newsletter:

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