The incident will not be treated “at present, as an act of terrorism”. Prime Minister Boris Johnson said it was a “terrible incident”.

The police have launched a murder investigation and the Anti-terrorist units asked for help, said chief inspector Ian Hunter. The motive of the perpetrator is as yet unclear.

British media had previously reported that it could be a fact with a terrorist Background. The British news Agency PA that is supposed to be the arrested man to a Libyan. REUTERS British police officers (icon image)

“, denounced Senseless attack on people”

Prime Minister Boris Johnson to the crime, and expressed its condolences to the victims: “My thoughts are with all affected by the terrible incident in Reading, and my thanks to the emergency services on the ground,” Johnson wrote in the online service Twitter.

eye witnesses reported that one man ran through the Park, where many people were on the road. He should indiscriminately have on his victims stabbed. Interior Minister Priti Patel called the incident “a senseless attack on people who enjoy a Saturday night out with friends”.

Shortly after the rally

The incident in the of 220,000 inhabitants, the city of the “Black Lives Matter”movement in the Park occurred shortly after a rally. The police, however, said she sees so far, no connection between the Anti-racism Demonstration, and the knife attack.

great Britain had been rocked several times in recent years of Islamist attacks. At the beginning of February, an early from of offenders released from prison Islamist injured three passers-by in the capital city of London with a stitch gun before he was shot dead by the police. At the end of November, an attacker stabbed on London Bridge two people and injured several more before he was shot and killed by police officers. The jihadists militia Islamic state (IS) claimed both attacks for themselves.

In a fiery speech, all the rage is on Tönnies clearly: “Have you applied the cardboard” FOCUS Online/Wochit fire speech is all the anger on Tönnies clearly: “Have you applied the cardboard”
