A-Klassist VfR Hague wants to back as soon as possible in the circle class. To teach it a stalwart of the County football.

the Hague – He is one of the veterans of the County-football: Volker Lippcke. Now the 45-Year-old after seven years, hired as a player-coach at the Club walls during the winter break when A classification most VfR Hague, and thus provided for a Bang. The many years of the land League Kicker of the SE Freising to lead back to the Hague after the descent from the circle class on the track for success, according to its entry-level corona, only a few weeks, however, the pleasure to take care of his team.

Seven years was associated walls to his name with the Club, now Lippcke for the fortunes of the VfR is responsible. For the Hague, which, in turn, have given birth at the end of the first half of the season Christian Fent of his coach duties, the Lippcke-commitment is a big win, says Department head Helmut Leitl: “The Volker is the ideal solution, a real stroke of luck. He has a large and successful history – and it is a Perspective-Trainer, that we would bind the loved one in the long term to the club.“

“We have to learn about the whisper post very early on that the Volker is free.”

The Hague have secured the services of former Bayern and country League – football player mainly because they were on the one hand, directly to his walls-on the Mat and him on the other hand, from the perspectives in the Hague were able to convince: “We have to learn about the whisper post very early on that the Volker is free, and then relatively quickly in touch with him,” says Leitl. “It was directly agreed to a Meeting to clarify whether there would be by his side at all of interest. We don’t know, of course, even the best that we have in the Hague is the most promising or most attractive structures. But our proposed new club facility and the great potential of upwards have convinced him in the end.“ In addition to this, the VfR had specifically been looking for a game trainer. “With the prospect to continue to be active on the field, we were able to lure him to us.”

+ “a hell of A time” with many beautiful moments and two ascents Volker Lippcke (l.), has seen the walls in his seven years as player-coach of SpVgg.©Michalek

Lippcke not to be so set in the Haagern – as mentioned previously, many years in the walls – only the team tactically and from outside care, but also continue to hunting for goals go. “I am convinced that Volker play in the A-class or the circle class is still very good, and from the inside conducting, and instructions may be”, stressed Leitl, the expected of the new Coach, of course, more than just one or the other goal: “We want to get back with the VfR Hague as soon as possible in the circle class. I think that Volker and his personality, his Aura and his ambition is exactly the right man to be in the medium – and long-term success. Even if he had hardly time to take care of the team, our first impression was very positive.“

Already in the few units in front of the corona-related interruption of 45 have made a very good figure, and the team with good talks and new training methods achieved. Leitl: “We are Convinced – and the evidence of the first impressions – that it is the ideal solution for our team and this role.”

Volker Lippcke: “Beautiful and special years” with the Club walls

One of Lippckes greatest assets is, without a doubt, his many years of experience – both as a player and as a Coach: From 2013 to the autumn of 2019, he was for the SpVgg walls responsible. In his debut season he was A class master, and three years later, the ascent into the district League followed. Two seasons were able to hold on to the Mauerner in the highest League at the County level, before they had to compete according to the 2018/19 season, the return in the circle class. His first Station as a player-coach of the SC Kirchdorf was in the year 2006. The then-31-Year-old led the SCK after two seasons in the circle class in the County League. Between his Engagements in Kirchdorf and walls had pulled Lippcke in the district of Erding, where he was waiting, gathered at TSV mountain experience.

As an active player combines Volker Lippcke almost exclusively with the SE Freising. With the exception of the 2002/03 season, as he sniffed for the FC Falke Markt Schwaben, Bavaria League-air, he went for the Yellow-and-Black in the national League hunting for goals. Lippcke itself has a positive effect on all his commitments – in particular, to the as player-coach. “Each location was, in retrospect, a superior time,” says the 45-Year-old. “Kirchdorf as my first coach station was very Special. Also, the time in waiting for the mountain was very beautiful and successful. The Highlight of the last seven years in the walls, however, were quite clear – that was a hell of a time with a lot of beautiful moments. Unfortunately, we had there in the past two years, a great many injured. As a result, we have lost important players and not more came out of this downward spiral.“ To make after seven “beautiful and special years” conclusion, was the right decision. “Because the team needed a new impetus.”

Mauerner companions also change, according to Haag

Now it was in the A-class to the VfR – but not alone: With goalkeeper and Co-Trainer Florian Leiner, as well as midfielder Andreas Bauer brought Lippcke two old Mauerner companions. “I believe this facilitates the introduction immensely. Both are not only football, but above all, human of superior types. I am very happy that you have decided to join this trip.“

The Trio are expected with VfR Haag is a Team that after relegation from the circle class in the past year, as measured by the claims – catastrophic first half of the season and only on place nine of A 6 is. Nevertheless, Lippcke is looking forward to his new job – and also the first impression of his future colleagues was very positive. “Unfortunately, I didn’t know so much of the time, the boys and to take care of,” says the Hague New Coach. “But I’ve seen that the team is very willing to learn. Some of the important players that wanted to stop, could be reactivated. I think that this Team has a playful, huge potential – you can achieve together a Lot.“

corona technically, at least, improvement is now in sight: The Bavarian football Association (BFV) has released the training operation in the Amateur football again, even if only under strict requirements such as the observance of clearance rules, and hygiene measures. For Volker Lippcke, the Team on Thursday after the Corona-forced break for the first time together, has trained, a correct and important decision: “The players simply need the Sport. I think it is very good that, once trained, is allowed to be.“

“I’m not going to a club, to be Fifth or Sixth.”

by the Way: The desire of the Department head Helmut Leitl, to bind the new Coach for the long term and in the best case, with many Successes to the club, also coincides with the claims Lippckes. “If you look at my Vita, it’s no secret that I would like to build my stations and not after half a year again, the Fly was doing,” explains the Ex-Mauerner, for short or long term, only one goal: the return to the circle class. “I’m not going to a club, to be Fifth or Sixth. I always want to win every game. If we now make in the back round of this season with no points, the teams that are at the top of the table, and perhaps even nervous. Completely, I would not write off this season so for a long time.“ And it should be enough in this season, “then we attack in the coming season”.

see also: TSV Eching: A year with Willi Bierofka