Equal found two demonstrations took place in Munich at the weekend. An event for world refugee day and the “noise parade” for the protection of the Club and music landscape.

two demonstrations took place at the weekend in Munich. On the Odeonsplatz came to the world refugee day about 100 people together, in the case of the noise parade about 200 Munich for the protection of the Club and music scene moved on Friday by the city. In contrast to the events in Stuttgart, both Demos were were peaceful .

Munich* – Mallieh and Mohammad Imran (57 and 60) came 40 years ago as refugees from Afghanistan to Germany. the “We had in the beginning difficulties, but there were people who helped us” , says Mohammad Imran. “We have brought economic, technical and social skills and to learn. We are a profit for the society and not a burden.“ To give an example of how Integration works, the Couple was at the Demonstration to the world refugee day on Saturday at the Odeon square.

Demo in Munich: “the rights of the Refugees should more be seen”

a Total of 100 participants, the organizer has to be counted. “We see all the highs and Lows,” says Mohammad Imran. “We must see to it that those who come here now know their rights and obligations, and not feel alone.”

So that the Situation of the Refugees better can, wants protester Tom Gerhardt more attention. the “I want to work to ensure that the rights and the Plight of the Refugees will be more seen,” , says the 62-year-old teacher. “I think it is not necessary that the local policy is still offensive.” The Federal policy was not ready to take bigger steps. “She’s hiding behind the EU.”

On stage at the Odeonsplatz described people in texts, and songs of their own story . The rally was generally peaceful, all participants wore mouth protection, and tried, the minimum spacing between. Organizers, among other things, from the Bavarian refugee Council and cultural centre Bellevue di Monaco.

crash parade: An appeal to the local policy

An appeal to the local policy, there were also Friday at the noise parade , the according to the organizer of the University to the Opera square peacefully, the drew loud and dancing for three hours through the city . The initiators of the “More noise for Munich” wanted to make the Situation of the Club and music scene closely, and show that by a suitable precautions even in times of pandemic safe dance and music events can be implemented.

“More noise for Munich” calls on WHETHER Dieter Reiter, city of Munich and the state government to take rapidly appropriate measures to support the Club and event landscape in Munich during the pandemic. With Initiator Florian Raabe said: “The participants were in a good mood, were finally able to dance again, were, nevertheless, disciplined and always kept the necessary distance rules properly.”

initiatives spokeswoman Julia judge said to our newspaper: “ Corona-secure open-air events could be one of the many means to be taken by the city in order to save the Club and music landscape of Munich.” She is convinced: “If Dieter Reiter, and the town Council continue to do nothing, however, will suffer, the city very soon, an unprecedented extinction of Munich’s cultural landscape. Since not only many jobs, but also in a good mood are at risk.“

Sascha Karowski

*tz.de is part of the nationwide Ippen-Digital editors network. Here you will find everything to the main train station in Munich: reviews, remodeling, and tracks.