those Who own a Pizza bake at home, often a rolling pin to make the dough to roll out. This may save time, but experts advise against this method.

Pizza you can also make at home very easily. In relation to the dough, it provides him with a rolling pin to roll out. Kitchens-experts explain why you should instead of a rolling pin rather use your hands.

Undoubtedly, Pizza should be regarded as the favorite of many people when a visit to the Italian present. The delicious dish it is not necessary to order however, always or in the Restaurant to eat. A simple oven is enough to bake pizzas in your own kitchen*. The process can often be costly and time-consuming. In particular, when Rolling out the dough many Hobby coming chefs a rolling pin , therefore, very.

Pizza baking: Why you should dispense with a rolling pin

On a rolling pin , use also like, if you do generally heavy on the dough with your hands to roll out. Occasionally, it may happen that to thin Bodies crack . Nevertheless, you should take this risk, it is recommended kitchen experts such as the American Chef Jacob Burton. On the Website, Stella Culinary, he explains why you should rolling pin when you bake pizza* better to remain in the Cabinet:

Once you have sprinkled your kitchen counter with flour and make a round dough-lumps in front of you, pressing you flat the mass very carefully your fingertips . Turn the dough and repeat the process on the back. You work always from the center to the Outside and press the air that has formed in the Interior, to the edge. Although the dough, so it acts first of all, a little uneven, he’s> in the oven in the end, even <strong uniform rise .

the difference with The rolling pin : use the Roller to press out any air from the dough and will finally get a thicker crust, the but it’s much tougher .

ready to read : In five minutes – how to make Pizza in a Cup of coffee.

how to avoid cracks in pizza dough

Especially in the middle of the Pizza it comes to cracks, since there is also a large part of the surface collects. Therefore, make sure that the dough at this point, is a little thicker .

After you have flattened the ground with your finger tips and the palm of your hand from the Inside out, recommends Burton in a YouTube Video, to keep the dough with the right palm lightly on the counter while grabbing with the left Hand, be careful of the edge , the in the length drag and at the same time short on the back of the hand, right-Hand throw (see Video below). Repeat this process until you have dilated the dough on the entire edge once.

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