FOCUS Online you will Find it good that the US Open in 2020 to take place in spite of the Corona-crisis in New York?

Nicolas Kiefer Me personally, this decision is not surprising. At the Moment it is not clear which players may enter and from which countries at all in the USA. In my opinion, you should not exclude any people. Sure, it’s always about money. But I don’t know if this is the correct character.

FOCUS Online : In Germany the Bundesliga with their Hygiene-concept, how it can work.

jaw : In the Bundesliga the Ball is rolling again without spectators and it is also played Golf again. But once again. At the US Open tennis players come from all over the world to New York and I see the danger that some players will be excluded. If that happens, there should be no price money and world ranking points.

FOCUS Online At the US Open should be played in the main round. What does this mean?

jaw This would exclude all of the qualifiers. There is only a very small circle, which must then play the game. If only the US Open and the tournament of Cincinatti to take place, will not work with the prize money and points as usual. While the standing players could get points, but the others all stay on the track.

FOCUS Online : How to run the US Open with the Hygiene regulations?

jaw : All the players have to four weeks in a Hotel and not allowed to go out. Then there’s the place to Training and to the Matches and back. The big question is, what happens after that. All participants and caregivers and participants in the course of two weeks in quarantine, if the tournament is in the USA is over and you fly home? If, however, all players have two weeks in quarantine, you can play no other tournaments. No French Open, the 20. September start.

FOCUS Online What say you to the pictures from Belgrade with Novak Djokovic and Alex Zverev?

jaw : At the tournament in Belgrade, thousands of spectators were present. In addition, among others, Zverev, Thiem and Djokovic celebrated in the disco, as if nothing had happened. According to the Motto, everything is good. Then one reads that a Basketball friend of Djokovic was tested positive for the Corona, and both a joint event attended. Accordingly, the number 1 in the Tennis world would have to be since Monday actually, in quarantine. How did you feel when you saw the pictures of Zverev shirtless at the wild celebrations in the disco?

FOCUS Online : What have you felt as you saw the Video?

jaw : I find it very disrespectful to the other. There are so many people who have suffering or problems. Then, as if there is no pandemic in the world. What have they done Zverev and other Tennis professionals, came in Germany, certainly not good. I was totally surprised and shocked when I saw the Video.

FOCUS Online : Why did the Zverev?

jaw I can not imagine that he was even aware of it. He’s probably just come from the US, where he can train to for a long time. Far ahead of us here in Germany. There, where he has prepared, was probably all a bit loose. I don’t know if he has noticed how serious the Corona, with the crisis here in Germany and Europe. He would have been thinking, maybe even over it.

FOCUS Online At the US Open will be Djokovic and Zverev comfortable.

jaw After his Comments recently, will not play Zverev, probably in New York. If one says that one is locked up for four weeks in a Hotel, although that’s Whining on a high level. Ultimately you have to ask yourself, what is the value of this tournament? Rafael Nadal and Novak Djokovic will not be able to read it as it is – probably also here. There will be some talks, but it will probably be more Cancellations. In order for the tournament to lose in addition to attractiveness.

FOCUS Online : the implementation of the US Open Is perhaps also a sign to look back to the front?

jaw : There are two sides to the coin. For one, it is good that it starts slowly. On the other hand, it is, of course, still far from normal, because the Corona Virus is still a long way. Why, then, is not isolated regional tournaments to play? You touched the step-by-step approach. Why must you start with such a Hammer as the US Open in New York about four weeks?

FOCUS Online : what time is it in the Tennis at all back a degree of normality to give?

jaw This can only happen when throughout the world the entry and exit prohibitions repealed. In China, the Corona is on the rise-infections again. This means that the Chinese are not allowed to partially leave the country actually does. I think you must now maintain the peace and everything, and to try. Not all at once. If there is a vaccine, it would be good when it starts next year back to normal from the front. Because you have to look, whether up to then, everything is OK again. Wild Topless Party with Zverev: Tennis Stars whistle on Corona-rules, FOCUS Online/Wochit Wild Topless Party with Zverev: Tennis Stars whistle on Corona-rules

