A she believed she had won the lottery 477.000 euros. Why exactly turned out to be a fatal mistake.

again and again it comes to “false profit promises,” warns the police. The “rip-off” trick method”, so the officials have scammers”. Also in the case of an old lady, the supposed lottery win turned out to be a fraud – and what happened then.

Lotto scammers want the old lady to several thousand Euro Bouncing

“you have!” Who is not glad to hear that. Anyone who gets such a message, by phone, E-Mail or Post, you should be careful, warns the police. It could be a “Scam with profit promise,” inform officials on the Internet at www.polizei-beratung.de. The number of criminal charges arising from telephone winning bids had increased since 2010, nationwide continuously. In individual cases of Damages in the five-digit Euro range were incurred, warn officials.

victim of a such a Scam a report by the portal “derwesten.de” in Cologne was a 77-Year-old, who has won the lottery* that is supposedly a sum of rich 477.000 euros. Of the alleged lottery winning , the old lady have come to know on the phone – too good to be true. Because in hindsight, it turned out that it was fraud.

Because the Stranger at the phone , pretending, according to the report, to act on behalf of the Deutsche Bundesbank, claimed against the Elderly woman that she must first pay 4.700 Euro for the money Transporter and fees due, as the Portal reported more – only then will the lottery-winning* would be paid. It was a Meeting with the Messenger, you’ve passed finally, 2,000 euros.

also read: housekeeper buys a lottery ticket with the last savings – then Amazing

Bad Lotto-mesh: Woman falls on trick cheating on the phone

what’s the trick noticed Scam? The 77-Year-old, I made a photo of the Messenger and of his car, according to the report. An attentive neighbor where the incident occurred, also, funny, I also made photos of the car label. The Elderly woman informed the police .

As you have received the next call with the message that there are problems in the payout and you would be paid the 2,000 euros, have agreed to meet the woman again with the courier and this Time the police informed of the case. It was the same Messenger as the day before, I actually had the 2,000 euros in the pocket.

The officials have taken the 25-year-old man. Him, for a trick, fraud, expect the Portal reported.

you can read here: man cashed in a lottery twice a Million – because of this “error,”

“I method” – police warn of false profits

according to The police, it is in such false promises of prizes, a ” rip-off method “. “The promise allegedly high profits is a Scam apply scammers in different variants”, warn the officials of the said website. The method was always the same: “in Front of a handover of the prize, victims are asked to provide a counter-performance to pay, for example, ‘fees’, paid telephone numbers to call, or participate in events where substandard merchandise is offered at inflated prices.” The simulated scenarios would then be changed by the crooks running.

Concerned should make the officials, according to aware of: “If you have not participated in a lottery , you can also have gained nothing!” You should also make “no Promises on the phone and never give out personal information”, it say: “no telephone numbers and addresses, Bank account data, Bank routing numbers, credit card numbers, or Similar.” And a tip of the police : “ask for the caller’s name, address, and telephone number of the person responsible, to what kind of contest it is and what exactly you won. Make a note of his answers.” Unauthorized money claims should be meadows are Affected back.

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