the German interior Minister, Horst Seehofer (CSU) has been omitted, contrary to his first announcement on Monday, the first consideration is a the author of the “taz” because of a police critical newspaper column display. “The decision has not yet fallen,” said a spokesman for the Federal interior Ministry late on Monday night, at the request of the German press Agency.

A public appearance Seehofer’s Ministry of the interior said in the evening, in the short term, without notice. For this Tuesday morning’s planned launch of the constitutional protection report in 2019, with the protection of the Constitution, President Thomas Haldenwang is omitted accordingly.

Seehofer wanted to make a criminal complaint – not happened yet

The controversial column the “taz”-staff member appeared a week ago in the daily newspaper. In the Text, the author was a mind game, where police officers could work, if the police would be abolished, capitalism but.

At the end of the column it says: “Spontaneously only a suitable Option occurs to me: the garbage dump. Not as a garbage man with keys to houses, but on the dump, where they really are surrounded by waste. Under your same you feel yourself most comfortable.” The editor-in-chief of the newspaper expressed Regret later in your own house, a debate was initiated.

In the “image” had announced Seehofer on Sunday: “I’m going to tomorrow as the Federal Minister of the interior, criminal charges against the columnist, because of the unspeakable article in the ‘taz’ about the police.” On Monday backpedaled Seehofer something back and announced a decision for the afternoon – which then failed to materialize. Also Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) was in a conversation with Horst Seehofer, as government spokesman Steffen Seibert said. From the media industry, criticism of Seehofer’s came projects.

Several messages and complaints are already submitted

According to the Prosecutor’s office in Berlin, more than a dozen Ads have been received so far in the column, among other things, the charge of sedition was raised. Currently being tested, whether a suspicion exists, it was on request. The German press Council as a self-control of the press registered according to their own figures, in the meantime, almost 300 complaints to the Text. Including one from the Federal police of the Main staff Council is therefore of the Federal Ministry of the interior.

As a criminal offence for a display of incitement to hatred or insult to come, according to Seehofer, in question. The possibility of a display have checked his house already since last week. It was a “very complicated interface between the freedom of the press and criminal law,” said Seehofer. “I told myself that one must both pay attention.”

policy based police

The Minister stressed: “We must, as politicians, but also the population as a whole, make it clear that the great majority of our population is behind of the German police.” Baden-württemberg’s Minister of the interior Thomas Strobl (CDU) jumped to Seehofer: “Whoever calls to throw people on the trash that needs to leave behind questions.”

Federal President of Germany Frank-Walter Steinmeier was also with a view to the events in Stuttgart – pointedly behind police officers. He stressed: “anyone Who attacks police officers, who makes them contemptible, or the impression that you were ‘disposed of’, which we must confront decided.”

Critical media coverage

“taz”-editor-in-chief Barbara Young said on Monday to Seehofer’s announcement to report: “His decision could not be clearer. His display against our a shameful assault on the freedom of the press.”

The media scientist Bernhard Pörksen from the University of Tübingen in the criminal complaint “is a Form of the mood of activism”, which is not entitled to a Minister of the interior. “It is clearly a border crossing, which aims at intimidation of a journalist,” he told the German press Agency.

the Chairman of The German journalists Association (DJV), Frank Everywhere, said: “My spontaneous reaction to the news of the criminal complaint against the ‘taz’: Will Horst Seehofer open the campaign against the media?” Everywhere stressed at the same time, as a Satire designated column was borderline. The “taz” have already expressed their Regret on this. “Thus, the theme should be for Horst Seehofer through,” explained Anywhere.

attack on the freedom of the press?

The Federal Chairman of the German journalists and journalists ‘ Union, Verdi, Tina resentment, said: “As Minister of the interior, who also defend the constitutionally guaranteed freedom of the press, has Seehofer other ways of political engagement as the Swing of the legal club.”

The interior policy spokesperson of the Greens in the Bundestag, Irene Mihalic said the dpa: “If government can approach members in this way against journalists, then it’s a very bitter aftertaste and is reminiscent of the Orban-style.” SPD parliamentary group Deputy Dirk Wiese said: “A society must, unfortunately, endure also tasteless and untold contributions.” Freedom of the press is a high and worthy of protection. “The announcement by Federal interior Minister Seehofer, a complaint against the taz-report to a journalist, irritated.”

support for Seehofer from the ranks

“A display of the Federal Minister of the interior would, in my view, a strong Signal,” said Union group Vice-Thorsten Frei (CDU), the “world”. “Everyone must keep to the rule of law rules, of the press.” It is legitimate to consider whether limits had been exceeded. And it is true that Seehofer as a Supreme master protectively in front of the police.

From the Union group of the Minister of the interior received the same probably back cover. “Even if the article should fall under freedom of the press, which I shall defend always, it is important that the Federal government tries to Minister of the interior, to make us aware of the ongoing brutalization screams in our society,” said the media policy spokeswoman Elisabeth Motschmann (CDU), the “world”. When reading the “taz”column had become her “evil”.

racism-allegation against police “for every COP is a slap in the face” PCP racism-allegation against police “for every COP is a slap in the face”
