Meanwhile, the number of the Corona infected Tönnies employees has risen to more than 1500. Armin Laschet, access to a now hard.

After a mass outbreak at the meat-group Tönnies in Rheda-Wiedenbrück, there are now 1553-infected employees. Prime Minister Armin Laschet (CDU) announced on Tuesday a district Lockdown. The measures will apply initially to 30. June 2020. All of the previous messages to the Corona mass breakout at Tönnies read in our previous News-Ticker. Here you will find the basic facts to the Coronavirus* and the Corona-News from Germany. We also offer them in a map, the current case numbers in Germany*. Currently there are the following recommendations to the Corona-protection measures*.

Update from 23. June, 10.43 PM: Now Armin Laschet speaks in Dusseldorf – he sees, in the case of Tönnies, a “special situation due to the dispersion of the locations, and the inter-nationality of the persons Concerned”. As well as in Coesfeld, a few weeks ago, it had to succeed, the case numbers back to stem and reduce.

A taken in the first stage of the lock downs you have already on Friday with the closure of schools and day care centers . Now will be merged with the district of Gütersloh for the first time in Germany, a whole circle, “on the measures applicable in the whole of Germany”.

mandatory Quarantine for employees should now be in a first step by the set. The “humanitarian side must be” respected, Laschet stressed – it is not enough to bring people in quarantine “once a day, a meal package”. Since Sunday the test had been completed payments. More than of 1,535 people were also family members of the ill – including.

In the district of Gütersloh there is, however, according to current knowledge, only 24 stand Infected without reference to Tönnies. Nevertheless, you’ll ” for the whole of the district of Gütersloh is a Lockdown have “. Intensive tests were necessary to find out how the Virus had spread beyond its operations – within seven days, up to 30. June, want to know more here, says Laschet.

“We are introducing a contact restriction on the family and household circuit , like in March.” Also Indoor playgrounds, Spa facilities, Bars and guest are closed for business Counter. Restaurants could, in principle, remain open, but visit only for groups of a budget. All the Old – and nursing homes would now be tested – also, all citizens can be in the district of Gütersloh voluntarily free of charge testing.

+ the Prime Minister, Armin Laschet, announced on Monday a County-Lockdwon for Gütersloh. ©Reuters / David Indian song

Corona mass breakout at Tönnies: RKI-Chef Wieler commented on any Lockdown

Update from 23. June, 10.33 PM: North Rhine-Westphalia’s Prime Minister, Armin will Express Laschet in the next few minutes to a mass outbreak of the flesh it . Shortly before that, the chief of the Robert-Koch-Institute, Lothar Wieler has delivered his assessment to a possible Lockdown in the district of Gütersloh. A decision had to be made on the spot – “it’s a limited outbreak or the Virus is in the Community”, the lute, the important question. Purely from a rigid Pay a judgment of not cases. There is no reason to assume that these decision are not taken with the necessary seriousness.

Corona mass breakout at Tönnies: More than 1500 infected employees – Lockdown threatens

first message: Gütersloh – After the massive Corona*outbreak at the meat processor Tönnies in Rheda-Wiedenbrück, Germany, with more than 1500 demonstrably infected employees and further steps to curb the outbreak are. Experts from the Robert Koch-Institute and by other researchers according to the authorities in the district of Gütersloh in use.

“Their recommendations, more actions follow,” said NRW Minister Armin Laschet (CDU) on Monday via the short message service Twitter, without mentioning any Details. SPD-health expert Karl Lauterbach called for a short Lockdown with massive Tests in the Region. He warns of a free travel of the people from the Region of Gütersloh.

To the Corona onset in the case of Tönnies attributed to the responsible district administrator with a Lockdown

Meanwhile, the holds gütersloh district administrator Sven-Georg Adenauer (CDU) a Lockdown in the Region for imaginable . “I would say Yes,” said Adenauer on Monday evening on the question of whether it is after a Lockdown “smell”. The mobile Teams that were in the apartments, and the accommodations on the road and also family members courted, were now in some dark field. “Thus, for me, is already a new Situation,” said Adenauer. The mobile Teams would have found some positive cases, when in use. A number did not want to call the district administrator, but first of all, because once excluded, should be that there is double counting.

Laschet pointed out on Twitter that schools and daycare centers in the district of Gütersloh already as a precaution . The quarantine* will consistently set for 7000 people, also for Non-Infected who were in contact, explained the head of government.

Corona mass breakout at toennies is the subject of a meeting of the NRW Landtag

In the affected Tönnies factory , the biggest German meat factory, the tranquility in addition, the operating . The NRW state government wants to come along on Tuesday to a session, as the state Chancellery in Düsseldorf was announced. The district administrator is confident that he would be informed of a possible decision of the state government to a regional Lockdown in advance.

The number of proven infected Tönnies-employees is increased according to recent data. There is 1553 positive results of the persons who are directly in the work, said the head of the crisis staff in the district of Gütersloh, Thomas Kuhlbusch, on Monday evening at a press conference in Gütersloh. A total of 6650 samples . Previously, the authorities, 1331 confirm Corona-cases (as of Sunday) had reported in the Tönnies’s workforce.

Corona mass breakout at Tönnies, the new infections extremely to rise

The high number of Corona-Infected has driven in the district of Gütersloh is a measure of the pandemic-fighting to the top. The so-called 7-day incidence of the Corona infections is increased to the value of 263,7 . It shows how many new infections were reported in the past 7 days, per 100 000 inhabitants. In the neighbouring district of Warendorf, the value goes up. There he is, according to the North Rhine-Westphalian centre of health, to the Stand 22. June 0 at 41.8.

the mark of 50 should be considered for the Region concerned, stricter limits into consideration. The Federal government and the Länder have, however, agreed that this number plays no role, if it is a locally-defined site of infection . So the outbreak in Tönnies is classified so far by the state government. the Laschet does not include a Lockdown in the Region from . The Federal government stressed that concrete measures to curb the infections, the Land of North Rhine-decisions-Westphalia.

* is part of the nationwide Ippen-Digital editors network.

section list image:©dpa / David Indian song