Elsewhere, the culture of the houses remain closed, not as in wooden churches. 4. July’s program on Saturdays.

wooden churches – “raise the curtain” is the name of it, from Saturday, may 4. July, again in the wood Kirchner culture in the Oberbräu. Under the Motto “culture 2.0” opens the house after 17 weeks, Corona-forced break, in a first stage, and has not made a interesting program on the legs, but at the same time a complete concept developed, with the house – regardless of the adverse circumstances – and also reasonably cost-covering would like to work. So the July will be a program online to life.

44 seats in the Fools-theatre – and limitless online

“We are delighted that we can now get going again,” says house of culture-managing Director, Ingrid Huber. Admittedly, one cannot only offer a small quota of places, because of the spacious ballroom, with only a few guests of the acoustics in here are moveable. “I think, however, we have managed, on the Basis of the current distance is a good atmosphere in the Fools rules to create,” says Huber. All non-usable chairs are removed and the remaining have been arranged in two groups. 44 instead of 120 guests and still have space.

But even those who find no place in the Fools Theater, has the opportunity to enjoy again the culture in the market town – via the Internet. With Online was appearances, the culture in the Oberbräu in cooperation with our newspaper during lock downs present. At the same time, ideas were also Trying out, what is technically possible, to bind the audience to the house. The Emergency Broadcasts are intended to Supplement the Live experience. “With a reduced audience, it is also financially difficult,” explains Alexander Harlander, why the culture house sold in addition to theatre tickets Online-Tickets. Huber: “Similar to Netflix & co. will not per event, but for the whole month, the program paid for.” Twelve Euro cost of the Online subscription.

wood Kirchner house of culture with a Transfer to the Internet

practiced The Transfers during the lock downs were also technically a challenge. Because worldwide essential parts of life took place on the Computer, be Material have been to get that hard-to-like toilet paper and disinfectant. Even a simple adapter cable is hard to get. The has noticed the Team on the first Transmission. Only in private and on many corners, it could solve the Problem and Freddy Kempf and “Petterson and Findus” in the living room.

Into the well-rehearsed Team of artists, sound and light and now needs to be integrated with the video technology. In addition, the actors on the stage must have a maximum of four are allowed for the one and a Half-Meter distance rule does not apply to be so present, that you only take the audience on the spot. Also, the camera must be able to capture the action. These circumstances in particular, the planning of the July programme. This was only the start, as the conditions were so far clear, that the frame of the financially Possible. Frequently, the policy went ahead with their announcements, specific regulatory requirements and that this can be arrived with delay.

Three events each July-Saturday of the culture in the Oberbräu

but Now the program is. “The artists were all enthusiastic about our new concept and immediately agreed,” says Huber. It was important to cater for all age classes. So every July-Saturday will be a combination of family program in the afternoon and classical evening program. Live music there are in-between with the Sundowner.

the wood Kirchner culture program 2.0 will be Opened on Saturday, may 4. July, at 16 o’clock with Christiane Ahlhelms theatre fertilizers and the wild enchanted fairy tale, “rumpelstiltskin, or Mrs Müller spins”, in the evening (20 o’clock) playing Oimara Beni Hafner music cabaret program, “Bierle in da Sun”. In between, from 18 to 19.30 PM, the Duo bear and He with his American and Irish Songs for sundowners – when the weather is fine in the cultural garden, in the rain in the cultural Cafe.

cards for the culture program is only available in presale, online at www.kultur-im-oberbraeu.de and on weekdays between 10 am and 14 PM z 0 80 24 / 47 85 05. The Tickets cost eight euros for the children’s program and 15 euros for evening events. Anyone who has an Online monthly ticket (twelve Euro), get an access code sent to you and you can watch the performances in each case until Tuesday.

And so it goes on:

Saturday, 11. July: 16 PM: Free Landestheater Bayern: classical music for children: “Timmy and the music in Europe”; 18 PM: DJ Chuck Herrmann; 20 PM: fast food theater: The art of the hour on stage.

Saturday, 18. July: 16 am to: Heinz-Josef Braun & Stefan Murr: “The Bavarian snow white”, fairy tale with music; 18 PM: Duo WisÀWis with Barbara Gasteiger (harp) and Franz jetz Inger (saxophone); 20 PM: musical cabaret with Werner Meier and his programme “Close and far away”.

Saturday, 25. July: 16 p.m.: Kati’s punch and Judy show: “the puppet circus”; 18 PM: music, music, music with the Valleyer veteran Annemarie Hagn; 20 PM: Margreth except for Lechner & Titus Waldenfels: “Brave women need evil songs”.

see also: Südspange wooden churches: a next step in sight.

Also in the swimming pool, Batusa, the lights go on again.