Favorite in the polls, Anne Hidalgo expected to return to his headquarters at the Hotel de Ville of Paris for a second term. According to the latest surveys, the lists of “Paris in common,” the mayor outbound are in the lead in all the boroughs held by elected socialists. But also in the central sector, which is now comprised of the first four districts of the capital.

results if they are confirmed in the polls on the 28th of June, which will give it the absolute majority in the Council of Paris. The socialists hope to win the 5th and return the 9th lost in 2014. It does not prevent. His two opponents, Rachida Dati (LR) and Agnès Buzyn (LREM), does disarm not. As they enter the final sprint for the battle of Paris, each lengthens his stride, and reinforces its strategy.

Hidalgo : green day, green always…

With 45 % of voting intentions, according to the latest BVA survey-The Tribune-Europe 1, Anne Hidalgo is way out in the head. Arrived first on march 15 (29,33 % of the vote), she chose to remain in the corridor. A strategy supported by the polls : according to those that was conducted by the Observatory of green cities, 78 % of the French (versus 61 %, 4 years ago) argue that the development of green spaces is one of the top criteria in their choice for the second round of the municipal elections of 28 June.

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Since the beginning of the campaign, the mayor outbound has made ecology his horse of battle, and has plucked the green proposals. In The Sunday Newspaper of June 21, it announced again that one of the ” first strong “, she would be as early as this summer, would be ” the piétonnisation of the surroundings of the canal Saint-Martin, from Stalingrad to Republic “. Reduce the place of the car in the city is one of its major objectives of its program, including the piétonnisation of all the centre of Paris. It also proposes to plant 170 000 trees to create urban forests ” in front of the Hotel de Ville and the gare de Lyon train station, behind the Opera house and for the landscaping of the streets 100 % vegetable. It also plans to build four new large parks.

in addition, the alliance in the second round, passed by the mayor socialist with David Belliard, the candidate EELV, is strengthening its position and its positioning. The report of the voice of the ecologist (10,79 %) would play in effect to the full. And this even if, during the first part of the campaign, the areas of friction on the way the ecology has not missed between the two allies today. Monday 22 June, the mayor organized a big meeting virtual on Facebook. “There was a question of ecology, and in particular of the proposals made by the ‘convention’ [to combat global warming, ED’s note], some of which are already in place in Paris, ” said a member of the campaign team.

Read also Coignard – Hidalgo and the Green : allies to the gallery

This will be enough for him to win the 5th and return the 9th lost in 2014 ? The mayor, a socialist, in any case, it multiplies the shares. Sunday, her “ride” music to bike alongside of David Belliard has been the occasion of a press conference in the 5th, a few hundred yards from the Pantheon. “The big challenge is that of mobilisation, explains it to the HQ of the mayor outbound. The fault lines between the candidates are clear, but it is true that Parisians have other subjects in mind, such as the economic crisis. “

Dati : the field and the argument of the vote

Second, on the evening of 15th march with 22,72 % of the vote, Rachida Dati has succeeded in its goal : it imposes itself as the main opponent Anne Hidalgo. A tour-de-force that allowed him to return to the fold some sheep LR lost as Philippe Goujon, the outgoing mayor of the 15th arrondissement, who, during the beginning of the campaign refused to say he would vote for the candidate LR. A position that also allows him to hunt on the land of Agnes Buzyn. Also, since the evening of the first round, Rachida Dati staged his opposition to the mayor outbound. During the containment, faithful to its reputation of all the kick-ass, she has never ceased to tackle a Anne Hidalgo thrilled to give him a reply and forget the third candidate, Agnès Buzyn.

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re-Elected in the first round in its borough, the mayor of the 7th plays the card of the field since the beginning of the campaign. Every day, she criss-crossed the neighborhoods of Paris for seriner it embodies the single vote and to denounce all violations of the existing team. This weekend of June 20, she has surveyed no less than seven boroughs. “Its niche is to cater to the Parisians directly,” says a member of his team. His only alliance is the one passed with the Parisians. “

But the candidate of the right is also familiar with its fundamentals. She knows that it is essential to gather his camp by adopting a language of right, in which the safety and cleanliness are the top of the pad. To the point to say Marine Le Pen if she was living in Paris, she would vote Dati ! In particular, it proposes to arm the municipal police of paris and to generalize the brigades of rapid response.

Read also Municipal in Paris : Buzyn attack Dati on the support of Marine Le Pen

Still, the candidate LR has a few reservations of votes to win the office of mayor. In the study, PVA-The Tribune-Europe 1, she gets 34 % of voting intentions, far behind Anne Hidalgo (45 %). This is why Rachida Dati has also embarked on a hunt for voters in the first round. According to his team, ” 42 % of voters in the first round would say ready to vote for it “. She has set up a website to facilitate the proxy.

Buzyn : change of course

in The first round, Agnès Buzyn arrived in third position with only 17,26 % of the vote. A very disappointing result, which after many twists and turns resulted in a change of strategy for the second round. After having defended them before the election break that was imposed by the health crisis, a project ultra-parisian, the former Health minister, is not elected in Paris and does not may plead that his action during the health crisis, has chosen to give a more national campaign.

also Read Coignard – Agnès Buzyn : the machine to lose version LREM

She is posed as the candidate of the presidential majority, hoping to mobilize the electorate macroniste of the capital. Last week, it has notably been shown at the terrace of a restaurant with the minister of the Action and of the public accounts, Gérald Darmanin. The Parisians were also seen on the leaflets, professions of faith, and the Twitter accounts of the candidates supported by Agnès Buzyn pictures of themselves to the sides of the head of State or Prime minister. The list headings are hoping to take advantage of the popularity of Edward Philip, who climbs regularly for several weeks. “This strategy helps to mobilize our base voters and to point our differences with Rachida Dati,” said Paul Midy, campaign director.

This will allow it to overturn the table ? Nobody really believes in. “The challenge is to mobilize our voters, insists Paul Midy. Because the risk is that our supporters say : what good is it to vote… ” This is why the candidate has also begun a hunt for non-voters. For this purpose, it has chosen to put forward its new proposals related to the context of the post-Covid. So it has been the restarting of economic life his priority and proposes a “Marshall plan” to 400 million euros for the merchants, restaurateurs and artisans. It is also in this spirit that she has endorsed the ecological project of Cédric Villani and raised its plan to bridge the transition from 4 to 5 billion euros.

also Read Municipal – “Selling AirPods to the deaf” : when Schiappa buries Buzyn

The blink of an eye pressed to the voters who had elected in the first ballot lists the candidate dissident (7.9 per cent) has not yet borne fruit. More generally, the change of strategy made by the candidate LREM since his return to the parisian art scene does not seem convincing : the latest BVA survey credits 18 % of voting intentions, which are still very far behind Anne Hidalgo and Rachida Dati.

In the meantime the second round, the three candidates will meet on Wednesday evening for a final discussion. If the camp Buzyn saw the last highlight of the campaign, and a key moment to witness once again the fighting spirit of his champion, the other two teams displayed more gentleness. In fact, it is not certain that the non-voters flocked to their tv sets to follow a debate which was announced without surprise…

writing will advise you

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