Twist in the case Fillon. The lawyer of the ex-presidential candidate, to Me, Antonin Lévy, and that of his wife, Pierre Cornut-Gentille, have filed Tuesday a motion calling for additional information to be provided, by Éliane Houlette held during his hearing before the national representation. On 10 June, as revealed by The Point, the former boss of the Parquet national financier (PNF) had in effect said to have been subjected to “pressures” of his hierarchy, beginning 2017, for be traced, almost in real time, information on all the acts of investigation in progress.

This request of François Fillon should have the first consequence of pushing back the date of the judgement, expected on June 29, after a trial held in march. At the hearing, the defence of French prime minister François Fillon had already castigated the multiple leaks in the press. A complaint for violation of the secrecy of the investigation and professional secrecy had also been made as soon as February 2017.

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Francis and Penelope Fillon now intend to prove that the feedback that are evoked by Éliane Houlette during his hearing before the commission of inquiry dedicated to the “challenges to the independence of the judicial Institution” were able to be transmitted to the executive power, through the prosecutor general’s office and the Directorate for criminal affairs and pardons (DACG) of the chancellery. With, as a final goal, the exploitation of these information and the elimination of the presidential race a candidate’s very high ranking in the polls.

last June 10, Éliane Houlette, in effect, has extensively described the relentless requests of his superiors – in this case the general prosecutor’s office of Paris – on the slightest investigation conducted by its departments : “The requests for clarification, of general history – all of it in two or three days of interval, the requests for elements on the hearings, the requests for notes of the advice of the respondent… The reports I sent, I’ve reviewed prior to this hearing [before the commission of the national Assembly, editor’s NOTE]. There are reports that were substantiated, which were ten pages long, precise, clear, well “, she said.

A meeting and a news report

above all, the ex-boss of the PNF said he was summoned to a meeting on the 15th of February, by the prosecutor general at the court of appeal of Paris, Catherine Champrenault, who wished to convince of the usefulness of open a judicial investigation rather than to conduct investigations within the framework of a preliminary investigation.

Eliane Houlette was also in charge of having received a despatch (a message) on the 17th of February, asking him to open a judicial information, that has been recognized Catherine Champrenault in a press release of June 19, writing that she had actually sent an e-mail “calling for” the opening of a judicial investigation. The meaning of the Code of criminal procedure (ccp), such a letter can amount to a statement in an individual case. However, our law normally imposes that any instruction of this type to be paid into the trial record, which has not been the case in the case of Fillon.

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the Reopening of the proceedings ?

It is precisely this that allows today to the defense of the couple to request additional information, in order to obtain a copy of the work carried out by the superior Council of the magistracy (CSM). The 19 June last, the head of State, guarantor of the judicial authority, has in effect mandated the CMO and asked him to conduct an investigation into ” the functioning of justice in the case of Mr. François Fillon “.

” the president of the Republic has asked the CSM to analyze if the Floor national financial has been able to exercise its activity in all serenity, without pressure, in the framework of a normal dialogue and normal with the prosecutor general’s office “, one can read in the communiqué of the Elysée palace.

once the investigation of the CSM is complete and the record Fillon, the lawyers should not miss to ask for a reopening of the proceedings to be able to discuss these new items. With, still, a central question : justice has been impartially ? Contacted by The Point, to Me, Antonin Lévy confirms : “We have referred the matter to the court of a request for reopening of the proceedings in order that recent events may be taken into account by the tribunal in its deliberations. These events confirm the conditions of the investigation that we denounce them since the first day and illuminate a new light on the driving charge of the investigations. “

writing will advise you

Trial Fillon : the fans of Netflix must wait a little Affaire Fillon : the ex-attorney national financial ensures that having experienced ” pressure “