This Text is a response to the contribution of the CDU Bundestag members Nadine Beautiful: stimulus package is not a “men’s thing”: women are the most super of the Corona-crisis

child care has a hero, declared in the Corona-crisis-in short, to a private matter. While fitness gyms to car dealerships today, open again, there are day-care centres and schools are still no nationwide strategy. And, therefore, no planning security for parents, who have been pounded in recent months between video conferences, game times and math homework. About the author

Ricarda Lang Vice-Chairman and woman’s political spokeswoman of the Alliance 90/The Greens.

This is especially true of mothers, because the assume only since the Corona pandemic, the majority of domestic and care work. Of the Grand coalition, they were released in the Corona-crisis alone, even though you have been promised over the years compatibility.

Axel Heimken/dpa Anja hägele, working mother of 3 children, work in the presence of their sons, Joris (11 years, l-r), Linus (7 years) and Simon (9 years old) in the home office.

This failure has an impact far beyond the crisis. Because, while women’s shoulders in the pandemic, although the main load, they are always invisible. Thus, scientific journals have reported that they received since the beginning of the pandemic, although increased submissions from men, but no more of women. According to the social science research center Berlin, 20 percent of mothers of small children reduced in the crisis, their working hours and, although they worked before, often for less.

Not in the mood to fight the big mother

These inequalities do not disappear after Corona just in the air. If we are not against taxes, they will catapult us back into the past. But I have no desire to start fighting for equal rights, which led my mother and my grandmother, again from the front.

That women take on in the crisis, the brunt of household and childcare, is no coincidence. After all, who goes into the pandemic, more on a part-time, who gives up his Job? The parent earned before less. The crisis acts like a burning glass, under which are the Strengths and weaknesses of our society, to show in all clarity.

This realization is painful, but it also offers us the possibility, with unobstructed views of the society were to look and to think about what we want to change. Many couples to go ahead here already, and consider how you can shoulders the house work and child care together. The policy has the task to make it possible.

Federal Needs-wide schedule for school and daycare

in the Short term, it needs a national roadmap, such as schools and day-care centres in pandemic times back to normal operation may return. Overdue a right of return to full-time, which helps the case of the women from the part time. Occupations with a high proportion of women, which were applauded in the crisis, by the way, again and again, as relevant to the system have earned more wages. The tax discrimination of women must be abolished. And we need a societal debate on how we want to distribute work and leisure in the future. Thus, the 40-hour work week is no longer the measure of all things.

A good starting point for a fairer future would have been the stimulus program. For example, by binding gender justice Checks that require companies, equal rights in their own operation to implement. And by a distribution of funds, the women targeted in the. However, with a view to the imminent danger of the Retraditionalisierung the economic program is similar to speechless as the Minister responsible Franziska Giffey (SPD). dpa/Julian Stratenschulte, The Green party politician Ricarda Lang (archive photo)

Bonus duration of the solves-problems

For families, there is a unique Bonus that is supposed to stimulate the economy, this, however, solves no lasting challenges. Neither for families with little money who need permanent support, even for mothers who don’t know how you run your Job in the next few months, without a rule to cope with in the day-care centres.

in terms of Economic policy, the economic program is blind in one eye. Unpaid care work that is necessary, that at us stores open and the company can make profits, is made, as is so often invisible. Here, however, the Corona has shown crisis in us, how much our social life, but also our economic prosperity based on the fact that women take care of, and unpaid in the own four walls or under paid in the day-care centre, in the old people’s home or in the clinic.

The work of women has been referred to in the crisis, as relevant to the system. Therefore, it is time that it is finally acknowledged as a stimulus relevant. Because of gratitude and your beautiful words, and women can buy neither something, nor your future. Eye-witness reports from the beginning of the Stuttgart Chaos-night FOCUS Online eye-witness reports from the beginning of the Stuttgart Chaos-night