once again, Barack Obama gave his support to Joe Biden for the u.s. presidential election in November next. This Tuesday 23 June, the former president of the United States has made it known that he expected a “great start” to allow the democratic candidate to beat Donald Trump. A speech that took place during a fundraising organised in line for his former vice-president Joe Biden.

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Thanks to this event online, featuring a Barack Obama still very popular among democrats, Joe Biden has collected $ 7.6 million paid by more than 175,000 small donors, a record for his campaign, according to his team. After a long time is discrete, Barack Obama has expressed several times since the death of George Floyd, on 25 may, which has led to a historical movement of protest against police violence and racism in the United States. “I’m here to say that the help will arrive in the condition that we did our part, because there is no one I trust more to heal the wounds of this country and go on a track that my good friend Joe Biden,” said the 44th president of the United States.

“The approach is chaotic, disorganized, mean-spirited government” criticized

The White House under Donald Trump, as well as the republicans and media conservatives have struck down “to the basics of what we are,” he accused. But “the good news, what makes me optimistic is the fact that there is a great surge across the country, particularly among younger people, who say not only that they have had enough of the approach to chaotic, disorganized, mean-spirited government, “Donald Trump,” but who have more that want to tackle the challenges facing this country for centuries “, he added.

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“Our country is stronger, better, more generous and intelligent than what Donald Trump can understand,” said Joe Biden, 77-year-old, who will face off at the polls on 3 November. Barack Obama, 58 years old, had granted him his support on the 14th of April. Despite a campaign suddenly paralysed in march by the pandemic, containment and precautionary measures to prevent the spread of the Covid-19 that it complies to the letter and prevented him from making a lot of ground, the old right arm has taken off in recent weeks in the polls in front of Donald Trump. But there is still more than four months of a campaign that promises to be fierce, and the u.s. presidential elections are played often at the scale of a few key States, that switch from one party to the other.

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