The proud cow-Mama Lene from Hamm has brought triplets into the world. The RTL is reported””. Almost more surprising than the number of calves that each of them has its own color.

The owner of Lene, in the family of Hach eggs, are thrilled. They would accompany 120 births in the year, but this is something you would have “never experienced”.

probability for triplets in the case of 0,007 percent

For the seven-year-old Dairy cow that was already the fifth birth. Lene was indeed thick, but farmer Dirk Hach eggs and his daughter were very surprised when two calves were born.

As a little bit later on once a third Cub came to the world, was the surprise big. The “Bavarian state Institute for agriculture,” writes that the probability of a triplet birth is in cows at 0,007 percent. So it is a real little miracle.

Three different colors in spite of birth without hormone treatment

The news magazine “RTL” be according to all three young healthy animals. Also, they came without hormone treatment for the world.

Mama Lene’ve enjoyed nine months earlier, with breeding bulls “in the Meadow”. Even more astonishing is that the calves have three different fur colors. They received the name Christiane, Fitti, and Joshua.

After her birth, they had to be unfortunately separated for the time being of their mother. They would, however, be twice daily with milk.

The Small, currently living in so-called “igloos”. The farmer, according to all of the animals were still alive and well, and also the mother Lene is fine.

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