“the reputation is ruined, it lives quite openly.”This set may apply to one or the other people, but brands have to fight with it. Also, because there is always some competing product, the customer can Dodge. What is not in people, unfortunately, always possible.

I eat no meat, but would the Tönnies-pigs, currently a giant bow. As I would be also since the Wiesenhof-scandal in 2010, in life on the idea to put the chicken in my shopping cart

Wiesenhof has survived the former chicken scandal. How to do it with Tönnies further, in the stars. In the worst case, jobs will be lost but the BIG Boss Clemens must make all of his financial future less to Worry about. He has sheep of his pig, uh, a long time in the Dry.

Clemens Tönnies, has a private fortune of about 2 billion Euro . So he belongs to one of the 114 billionaires in Germany. More “Billionaire”s there are, incidentally, only in the USA and China. Speaking Of China. China is the main trading partner for Tönnies‘ pigs from outside the EU. Particularly for products which are not consumed in Germany, but there is a delicacy to apply. Tail, Feet, Ears……

If you can buy in Wuhan in the market? No matter, until recently, it was the company wonderful. Only last year, Tönnies has record sales to be: a 7.3-billion-Euro . 850 Tons (Of 850,000 Pounds!) Frozen and fresh meat produced in the company of the DAY! Thus, Tönnies is also the largest slaughterhouse in Europe. For the group of companies> employees*work by the way, about 16.000 </strong indoor. Well, more than 1.500 fall out currently, because you have become infected with the Coronavirus .

This has the consequence that in the districts of Gütersloh and Warendorf were all back in the Lockdown are. Lockdown, the second! More than a half a Million people are affected. the 7.000 Tönnies-employees together with their families for days under quarantine. And with the weather. At the weekend, temperatures are expected to rise up to 30 degrees . Because we want to but with friends out in the sun and grilling. In the mood for a Tönnies-sausages? And now I wonder, who is really the poor sod…

This article was written by Isabella Muller-Reinhardt

*The post “Tönnies scandal: These Figures spoil your appetite” is published by LOOT. Contact with the executives here.
