The fear of a resumption of the epidemic in France is still strong. And in order to avoid a second wave, and to ensure the control of the spread of the coronavirus, Olivier Veran has announced in an interview with the World-that a campaign of tests, virological, “very large scale” would soon be held in order to” identify potential clusters dormant “, in particular in thirty municipalities of the Île-de-France.

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This “campaign of very broad address to all the inhabitants “will target” of the territories in the vicinity of clusters identified, where […] there is a viral reservoir, with asymptomatic individuals, which can transmit the virus without knowing it “, says the minister of Health. “Nearly 1.3 million people living in thirty municipalities of IÎe-de-France will thus receive good health Insurance offering to go for a virologic test in any laboratory, public or private, even if they have no symptoms “, details there.

“The peak in march-April is behind us”

The goal is to ” identify potential clusters dormant “. “It is for the moment at the stage of experimentation to see if it corresponds to a wish of the French. This experimentation could then be extended to other areas, ” adds Olivier Véran. Four regions (Île-de-France, Grand, Provence-Alpes-Côte d’azur, Hauts-de-France) group 74% of patients hospitalized in the icu due to the Covid-19. Only 11 additional deaths were reported on Wednesday by the Directorate-general of health (DGS).

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The minister of Health believes that ” the peak in march-April is behind us, but [that] we’re not finished with the virus.” “It is necessary to avoid large gatherings and risk behaviour “, he insists, while the music day, Sunday, was marked by scenes of jubilation collective without gestures barriers or masks.