Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Tegernsee, Schliersee and the Walchensee are overrun in good weather by day-trippers. An App could help with the traffic chaos.

excursion and Hiking destinations in Bayern experiencing a Boom. The day tourism is growing – some communities have been fighting in front of Corona times against the Parking chaos and traffic congestion. An App is the solution to deal with the rush of visitors finished? Even more local stories in our weekly regions-Newsletter for Bad Tölz or in our App.

Munich – The Walchensee is a popular excursion destination – first, since there is Corona-related travel restrictions. However, this has increased the suffering of the citizens in front of place once again.

“the main problem is the traffic,” says the Kocheler mayor Thomas wood (CSU). As soon as the weekend and the sun is shining, crowded Parking spaces and escape routes blocked. Wood fights a long time for relief. Among other things, he has written a letter to the Minister of the interior Joachim Herrmann (CSU) and the support of additional police officers asked. “The police finally has a completely different effect than the municipal traffic monitoring,” he says. In front of one and a half weeks, as many excursionists took advantage of the beautiful weekend weather, got Kochel in fact, the help of the riot police. “But of course this is not a permanent solution,” says wood.

The Walchensee Region is experiencing, such as reported, since the Corona-relaxations in a rush – photos from the station shows the brutal consequences.

trip-Chaos in upper Bavaria: Can solve an App Problem?

Not only in Bad Tölz-Wolfratshausen suffering communities under the increased number of visitors. Already in January, the Greens had therefore asked in the Parliament a request for the guidance of visitors. “The request was small talk and rejected”, says Christian twenties. He, therefore, came to an end last week with a request, such as the state government is on the rise day-to-day tourism wants to respond. The answer he finds, however, is “rather thin”.

The Ministry of economy refers to a study in the Bavarian centre for tourism in Kempten in order. Be proposed, among other things, real-time Ticker of the number of visitors – on the websites of the municipalities or as an App with Push messages. Also a limited Ticket quota for the visit to a community would be conceivable, the experts advise. These Ticket systems you could imagine for shops, Hotels and pedestrian zones. Also, Parking guidance systems, or secure Parking are proposed without the most of the regions would no longer deal with the crowds anyway for a long time. For the Walchensee, an alternative Park is even in the planning stage, reported that mayor wood.

+ The Kocheler mayor Thomas wood, on lake Walchensee.©arp

Also, the other advice will not help him. “People don’t look on the website of the municipality of Kochel, before you leave,” he says. Apps should work on a nationwide basis, in order to be accepted. “And the lake is freely accessible – we cannot issue Tickets. And certainly not outside the core visiting hours. Who wants to bathe, wants to during the day for a swim.“

tour the Chaos on the Bavarian lakes, local politicians skeptical: “Let it not

Also, the Garmisch-Partenkirchner mayor Elisabeth Koch (CSU) to hold” is more than skeptical. “We already have boards now note from Oberau, how full it is on the Alpspitze ,” she says. “The people who are already on the road, let that keep you from.” Also, the cycle gain for the Eibseebus have not helped to defuse the transport problem. Probably out of convenience and selfishness of the people would prefer to stay in your car, presumed to be a chef. “A lot of holds, maybe, currently, the mask is mandatory to use a public transport service.” As your colleague in Kochel she is also convinced: “Individually, the local authorities can’t do anything. We need the help of the state.“

look at the height to you in this post on Instagram to

A post shared by GaPa Tourismus (@garmischpartenkirchen_official) on Jun 19, 2020 at 3:35 PM PDT

App against tour Chaos: The district of Miesbach Live Ticker for hikers

The tourism Association of upper Bavaria, Munich (TOM) started has developed, together with five Bavarian holiday regions of a digital day planner. This Service is available for the Whitsun week-end: On the page the regions, days currently publish information – in addition to alternative Hiking and tips for excursions there is also the waiting times be reported, for example, in the case of boat ride or mountain Railways and capacity utilization of the access roads and Parking . Meanwhile, this Initiative have already joined six other tourism regions, reported a TOM-speaker. Since the end of may there were on the page already and 12,500 hits. The next step is a App for upper Bavaria .

+ How big is the crowd? For the Alpine region Tegernsee-Schliersee, there is already a Live-Ticker.©ATS

a member of The Green Christian twenties expected that the state government is active. Best with a Bavaria-wide App. And, above all, the issue of transport still more could be done, he stresses. “For example, better rail connections and the public TRANSPORT Expansion in the wall regions.”