” On 28 June, Lyon will not have to choose between the two sensitivities, but between two conceptions of the metropolis. “The hour is serious, according to François-Noël Buffet. Senator LR, which is allied to Gérard Collomb, to win the metropolis sees the victory announced Green as a rupture in the history of lyon, ” which follows the same trajectory of development since Michel Black “. “You can not run the first metropolis of France in this adventure,” said the candidate, who does not cease to predict with the mayor of Lyon an economic collapse in case of a victory of ecologists.


The denunciation of the “danger green” strategy adopted by the alliance between LR and LREM, turns out-does it pay ? The Ifop survey-Fiduciary published on 22 June for the Southern Radio and Lyon Capital seems to attest to. He credits the candidate LR of 32 % of voting intentions, up five points only minus is that the candidate environmentalist Bruno Bernard. But the tactics of the front anti-green causes also skids uncontrolled, like that of Christophe Marguin. In front of the camera of the show C policy, the boss of the restaurant Chair and candidate LR the elections metropolitan on the district North Lyon, has treated the voters of the Green ” assholes “. Before expressing his regrets to a minimum while lamenting that environmentalists intend to ” remove the tourism in Lyon “. On Arte Radio, Jean-Louis Maier, who runs the jewelry store of the same name and who has signed up with a group of patrons, Actors of Lyon, an appeal against the ” danger green “, compared the election of the environmentalists to the arrival in power of Hitler…

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Face of these attacks is excessive, the candidates of the Greens remain undisturbed : “Abandonment of the festival of Lights, disarmament of the municipal police… The fake news about our program circulate all day long, sigh for the Green party candidate to the city Grégory Doucet. I take it with a lot of backtracking. It is normal that our enemies make a tumult : they play their survival. “The great favorite of the election, the list of which came top in the first round in eight districts out of nine, and defends himself” wanting to overthrow the table “. “We are in Lyon, he says. When I propose to revegetate the city for it to be more fresh, this is not a fad botanist hallucinated. On the economic plan, I want to encourage a developing virtuous and responsible, who is first at the service of people. Thanks to the thermal renovation of all the public buildings, we will also reduce our energy footprint, which is, I remind you, a source of operating economies. It is for this reason that all the industries are sensitive to the optimization of resources “, underlines with malice this old framework of Handicap International, a graduate of a school of commerce. If he is elected, the Green party candidate promises to tackle as a priority to the economic and social crisis post-Covid, providing an emergency fund of 4 million euros for culture, and in helping to the recovery of the tourism – leaves, it is true, to remove parking spaces to allow restaurants to expand their terraces. He also plans to invest one billion euros over the mandate in favour of the energy transition. Candidate to the metropolis, Bruno Bernard announced on its side that it will invest 3 billion euros in the public transport and that it will reopen the public commission to support the CONSTRUCTION industry. “When I talk with the actors of the sector, I am amazed at the difference between the image that some refer to us and the reality. Our project is a job creator, and seeks to give meaning to the economy. “

The fear of the model grenoble

Colt Gérard Collomb and candidate of the alliance LR-LREM to the city, Yann Cucherat does not believe in it : “The city is going to fold in on itself,” he says. More than their program, in reality it is the alliance made by the Greens in between the two towers with the left of the PS, the PC, and especially of the Gram-political group supported by BIA, which does not pass. Including at David Kimelfeld and Georges Képénékian, who have not managed to agree with Gregory Doucet and Bruno Bernard, which called for a “clear policy” on their commitment macroniste. The alliance with the left is, however, surprising, since ” the Greens did not need to win the election. They did it for internal political reasons-to-EELV “, analysis of the Roman Meltz, a political scientist at Lyon-2. The parade of the leaders of the party in Lyon, Julien Bayou Yannick Jadot, is proof of that. Of course, to the metropolis, the allies of the left have little places on the lists environmentalists – they are at the height of their low score in the first round. But, to the city, Grégory Doucet has already planned to entrust the culture, Nathalie Perrin-Gilbert, mayor of the 1erarrondissement and co-founder of the Gram. “For her, the metropolis does not need to shine on the international. We all agree to save the planet, but with an ecology positive that builds on the innovation and brings all the people, not under a totalitarian form of government that puts all the world not like in Grenoble, takes François-Noël Buffet. His much-maligned mayor Eric Piolle does, however, not part of the mentors of Grégory Doucet, who quotes more naturally to Gandhi, Mandela, or even the prime minister of New Zealand, Jacinda Ardern. If he is elected, the ecologist has also planned to place to finance the very serious Audrey Hénocque, a regional trustee who has worked with Michel Mercier, Jean-Jacques Queyranne, and even Laurent Wauquiez to the region. Jean-Jacques Queyranne, who has also decided to support the Greens, like other historical PS lyonnais, such as the former mp Pierre-Alain Muet, vice-president of the metropolis of Thierry Philip, the mayor of the 8th, Christian Coulon and member of parliament Hubert Julien-Laferrière (ex LREM spent in the group Ecology, Democracy, Solidarity).

A third round uncertain

“They are driven more by hatred of Collomb,” explains François-Noël Buffet. It is true that the alliance between the senator and Gérard Collomb, sealed in the office of Laurent Wauquiez, is still not digested in the ranks macronistes. “Whatever it is, the future mayor of Lyon will have yet to work with the region,” explains Yann Cucherat, who tries to convince them that ” nobody is pulling the strings “. In the tandem Georges Képénékian-David Kimelfeld, the alliance with LR considered ” against nature “, leaves in any case still hope to the possibility of embodying a third way on Sunday night. “In Green like in RL, we already preparing the presidential election. We are the only ones to stay true to our values, ” says Georges Képénékian, which tries to impose its municipal program focused around health and the environment.

read also the End of Gérard Collomb in Lyon : the love stories end badly…

Credited with 26 % of voting intentions in the Ifop survey-Fiduciary, the outgoing president of the metropolis David Kimelfeld submitted its balance sheet when the management of the Covid, his proposals for exiting the crisis and the ranking of its “transition pact” by 50 NGOS (including Greenpeace and Attac) in front of the Green. “If I’m in a middle position in the aftermath of the second round, I’ll be the only one who can go look at the time, the voices of environmentalists and those of the alliance LR-LREM “, calculates the former dauphin de Gérard Collomb, who do not despair of being re-elected at the head of the metropolis. Unless the Greens get an absolute majority. A scenario is quite likely, according to the projections of some analysts, that are based on the results of the first round. They also reveal that Gérard Collomb and David Kimelfeld would have won hands down if they were united. The mayor of Lyon, who wanted to take over the chairmanship of the metropolis, preferred to play everything by forming an alliance with LR. The poison of division will decidedly irrigated throughout his campaign.

writing will advise you

Municipal to Lyon : the Green await a historic victory for Municipal : in Lyon, it is also voting for the metropolis End-of-Gérard Collomb in Lyon : the love stories end badly…