in Spite of recently rising infection numbers, the Berlin Senate continues its gradual relaxation rate in the Corona have restrictions: Starting on Saturday the since months existing, and in the meantime, already some loose contact limitations are for private persons. Starting on Saturday, retailers may also be more people at the same time in the shops.

unlike the holidays of the countries Schleswig-Holstein, Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania and Bavaria, Berlin wants to adopt moreover, there is no accommodation ban for visitors from the Corona-Hotspot in the district of Gütersloh. Special quarantine regulations are not yet planned.

Corona light is in Berlin on Red

The approach of the red-red-green Senate, in Berlin, raises questions. The Numbers of Corona infections in Berlin had risen rapidly in the last two weeks. The traffic light for the reproduction factor shows a more deep red.

several blocks of flats in Neukölln and Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg had to be quarantined. Also in Reinickendorf and Spandau, there were more positive Tests, households were placed under quarantine. Why is loosening of the Senate, then?

even Though the infection numbers continue to rise, signaling the districts, the situation is well in hand. The outbreaks be locally isolated, said health Senator Dilek Kalayci (SPD) in an Interview on Wednesday with the info radio RBB. The districts “testing to a very large extent, provide for the people and ensure that they remain at home”. dpa/Britta Pedersen/dpa-Central image/dpabild Dilek Kalayci (SPD), Senator for health, care, and equality of the state of Berlin.

“Actual risk”: relaxations could be misunderstood

However, Kalayci also said, In cramped living conditions, the risk of the spread of the Virus increase. Many residents of the quarantined homes are Sinti and Roma, or of day-laborers from Romania. Still it is a matter of great cases in which the district offices could be the contacts, a fairly good track. “The real danger I see is that the infections in Berlin scatter, that is, that the locker to be understood (as…), miss, that you can now meet super great in a large family, and without protection can meet,” she said. The people should not be reckless, warned Kalayci.

If the R-value of a second Corona light leave the green area, it is necessary to look, whether to allow further relaxations, but be or other measures to be taken. “But we are not there yet,” said the Senator.

Currently, more Corona Tests will be conducted in the quarantine block. The Technical assistance to the quarantined people. Many of the residents are members of a Pentecostal Church. It will, therefore, examine whether the pastor, who is also suffering from Covid-19, could have spread the Virus. He had also been in other cities – for example, in Magdeburg.

Corona-the rules were last fans hardly enforce

and after That its Corona-restrictions, could also be related to the fact that the rules are simple to enforce barely. The governing mayor Michael Müller (SPD) said about the mask duty: “There are still some who do not hold, consciously or unconsciously, just one of these rules.”

last week, it was reported that just 70 percent of Berlin still keep on the mask of duty. Here you want to tighten the screws a little: In the case of violations since the end of April current mask obligation a fine is according to the new regulation due. So far, has not been controlled here.

All the information about the Coronavirus in the News-Ticker of FOCUS Online.

hit the headlines last boot about the Rave on many hose. Since some weeks there are also reports of young people partying in large groups at night in the Parks of Berlin. Convivial evenings in the Restaurants and Bars are considered to be high risk.

As of the “daily mirror” reported from Senate circles, there would be, in principle, the ability to lock hours for Restaurants and Bars to re-introduce or to prohibit visits in hospitals and homes again. Also the opening could be collected to plan for events in closed rooms. Whether that will be necessary to show the next few weeks.

“As if there had been Corona never…”

SPD-health expert Karl Lauterbach warned that in the face of rising Corona Infections: “The probability of a second wave is on the rise. The people currently increasingly careless. If you go in the evening, especially through big cities, one has the impression, that especially younger people behave so, as if there had been Corona never.“

a virologist at Lanz: After a call in January was Kekulé the seriousness of the situation clear FOCUS Online/Wochit virologist at Lanz: After a call in January was Kekulé the seriousness of the situation clear.
