Germany is sweating for the first Time this year. In North Rhine-are expected to Westphalia on Thursday, up to 31 degrees. In the Cologne area, even up to 32 degrees. Similar, situated in the North sea region, the Saarland and Hesse.

  • weather Ticker – weather in Germany: Where Thunderstorms threaten – already today!

heat Alarm in the state of Baden-Württemberg

The DWD warns the West and the South of Baden-Württemberg, explicitly, prior to an increased heat load. In the East – from the North sea to Bavaria, it stays a little milder – but with 26 to 29 degrees is still summer, as the forecast of the German weather service (DWD) shows.

The heat, others suffer is happy including. This is not even approximately. The UV exposure is some of the regions is currently very high. The official warnings of the DWD.

Particularly in the West and southwest people should be aware of. The warnings range from the North sea to the black forest and in the South over the lake Constance, to the Allgäu.

UV alert: What does this mean?

The German weather service, explains: “The UV-radiation reaches unusually high values. Protection measures are absolutely necessary.”

protective measures are also in the shadow required. The experts advise:

  • A sun-proof shirt and long pants
  • sunscreen (SPF 30), sunglasses and a wide-brimmed hat

by the Way: For children, there is the factor of 50 plus. The medium should be at least a half hour before going out in the sun and renewed regularly applied. Generally speaking, the midday sun should be avoided between 11.00 and 15.00. Children, if possible, not direct sunlight should be exposed to radiation.

Who in the heat

is Particularly vulnerable to heat people, whose circulation is not very stable – for example, the chronically Sick, the Obese and the Elderly. are at risk Babies and small children are not able to sweat in addition, yet sufficient and should therefore be protected particularly.

Some experts recommend people with weak veins, not to wear on hot days support stockings to keep the blood bags by the enlargement of the vessels in the legs and in addition circulatory problems caused.

sports in the heat: when you should exercise

the elderly, children and people with circulation problems is therefore discouraged from sports in the heat, however.

Not every physical activity is harmful to the health. However, prolonged physical efforts should be placed, if possible, not in the Midday and afternoon hours. Then the load is highest.

cooling in the heat wave: Drink, eat, sleep

It is recommended, hands, neck and face to wash with cold water. Who sets the legs also from time to time for some minutes, relieved the blood vessels and prevents swelling of the legs and feet.

should Generally be about the day, about two and a half to three litres of distributed drinking:

  • Ideal thirst-quenching mineral water, cooled herbal and fruit teas, or diluted fruit and vegetable juices. They usually contain sufficient minerals to replace the exuded salts.
  • beware of ice-cold beverages: they can cause upset stomach. In addition, the body must work more to heat the liquid to body temperature.
  • sugar-rich sodas cause more thirst. Alcohol should be avoided. It dilates the blood vessels, which strains the heart even more.

When Not eating heavy and fat food, but rather several small and light meals with plenty of fruits and vegetables, the following applies:.

Until the weekend! The severe weather are being exacerbated, in the Thunderstorm on the most violent PCP Until the weekend! The severe weather are being exacerbated, in the Thunderstorm on the most violent

cho/with Agency material