” The Parliament vote the law. It controls the action of the government. It evaluates public policies “. This is the article 24 of the Constitution which says so. Among the means to carry out their mission of control over the policies implemented by the executive are in a good place to commissions of inquiry.

The national Assembly has installed a the end of may, for six months, ” on the impact, management, and consequences in all dimensions of the epidemic of coronavirus “. Chaired by the mp LREM Brigitte Bourguignon, with the rapporteur mep LR Éric Ciotti, the auditions actu…

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Didier Raoult in front of members of parliament : the 4 lies of the professor Sophie Coignard – what Raoult is it the name ? Sophie Coignard – To finish with the case Fillon ! Coignard – Hidalgo and the Green : allies to the gallery