talk shows need to your audience to attract, spice. You have to understand that. Madness, you don’t need. The must not forget the editors of the public television, which stand to lose between the quota and the quality sometimes the Balance to and each Wirrniss provide a Forum. Shocking example of the current edition of the ZDF talk show “Maybrit Illner” is.

After the riots in Stuttgart on the subject of: “the enemy of the police is”. Now it holds the certainly still an overwhelming majority of the German people is neither funny, nor acceptable, if a Mob starts to devastate a large city. There is also to be expected in the talk show a lot of unanimity.

For the Show in the Talk is invited, in all probability for this reason, Idil Baydar. Baydar has made her an immigrant background to the business model and acts as a cabaret artist. You may want to see, it’s not. Eight times she has threats to its own narrative, the police alerted for murder. Still, she says, “I was afraid of the police”. It is not the only contradiction. As Talkgästin Baydar is a disgrace. FOCUS Online

“We are traumatized migrants”

debt-to-in Stuttgart, the police, as Baydar explains it actually. “What happened here”, she says, she never experienced “without provocation”. She speaks of “police violence”. She laments the “General suspicion”, under the “we migrants” bodies. She presents herself as a lawyer for “us immigrants”, rejects it, but when others speak of “you migrants”. “We are migrants,” she says, “are traumatized.”

And she is convinced: “in Germany We have a Cop-culture – a crow chops the other no eye out.” The police in Germany, just on a rampage? Anyone who has seen the current pictures in Stuttgart and from Stuttgart, was not afraid of the police. He gets afraid of those who make the police necessary.

“Here’s what not running quite right”

The other discussion guests have a hard time with the madness of the cabaret artist. “Here’s what not running quite right”, seeks to Sebastian Fiedler of the Federal of German detective to be polite. “They make victims to criminals,” he argues. The attempt Baydars to compare the scenes in Stuttgart with anti-racist protests in the United States, referred to it as “absurd” and “totally disastrous”. V

easy, now refers CDU politician Wolfgang Bosbach on the so-called clan of crime, “because you can’t find a Swedish folk dance groups”. But Idil Baydar seems to torment a Green politician. Gently, Cem Özdemir raises the Finger. And because nobody pays attention to, he says it a little later then also in the camera: “I’m in school…”

Because of the Green calls for even “hardness”

The Green Özdemir presents itself as the true Conservative, he distinguishes himself also with Maybrit Illner. In fact, he remembers a better, Earlier. “In the past,” he says, “there was a principle of policy – please let the police do their work. I would like to have back this old principle.“ He argues for a “camera surveillance where necessary”. It calls for toughness: “I hope that as many perpetrators as possible are affected to account.”

And Özdemir requires each police officer very clear the commitment to the Federal Republic of Germany. Islamists and Identity, he says, “is one of stripped off the Uniform”. But above all, Cem Özdemir says, by 2018, Federal Chairman of the Green: “We have ditches in Germany enough.” This is a point, as the comparative views of the United States is worth actually. Authorities to call a state of emergency: tens of thousands of pilgrims to England’s beaches FOCUS Online authorities, the exception call state: tens of thousands of pilgrims to England’s beaches

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