an Architect, a teacher, a graduate of the École nationale supérieure d’architecture de Versailles, and a member of the Academy of architecture, Anne Démians runs his own agency in paris (around thirty employees). To his credit, these include the three towers of the “Black Swan” in Strasbourg, the hotel school of Guyancourt, the headquarters of the Société générale in Fontenay-sous-Bois, as well as in Paris, several hundred recent housing to the Auteuil station and the extension-renovation (in progress) at the superior School of industrial physics and chemistry (ESPCI). “The indifference of the public authorities to the values of cross-sectional and aesthetic that are architecture and the city” is among his grievances the post-Covid. His other red cannon balls ? A logic of the all-economic profit, of the all-regulatory and ecological. The indictment.

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The Point : In terms of architecture, you ask Emmanuel Macron to dare to ” undo, fix, and innovate.” What do you mean ?

Anne Démians : a year ago, the president of the Republic has expressed himself in the Elysée palace in front of an illustrious audience of architects, French and foreign, of which I had the honour to be a part of. In his speech, he wished that the architecture is inclined, in the years to come, to become ” a true discipline policy “, in a context of a changing world. However, in order to build the best space urban, peri-urban and rural, sub resonances with educational, social and territorial, it is essential to combine this reflection and this project of artists, intellectuals, philosophers, creative… alas set aside by a bureaucracy that found his powers in a policy of all-economic. Today, it has become impossible to imagine or to draw buildings, streets, or boulevards, without having to answer an endless list of requirements, recommendations or requirements introduced by a bureaucracy that is as inoperative as ubiquitous. But, it is thanks to this ubiquity, which is behind ” an all-in regulation that the bureaucracy bases its power and destroyed any inventiveness. It acts as a brake to the creativity and transparency issues.

the goal is to promote the freedom to act.

Gosh ! Identify other significant obstacles to the above objectives ?

They are multiple, but I would like to denounce this “ideology” green ” that has developed as the only possible alternative to the economic dependence of our initiatives. Ecology-sauce policy ahead of the solutions that it is impossible to believe in the sincerity. Their diktats are provided without objective evidence of their usefulness. The good green consciousness is distributed without reinforcement of intellectual and without the slightest self-criticism. It anesthesia and negates the analysis of objective data and scientific, when, at the same time, the bureaucracy of the factory, the vacuum in the political space, the better to drag them. The tyranny of the wood, the hemp, the wool of sheep and other requirements of the “small peasant illustrated” divert the attention of the population poorly informed of the balances to be installed between the environmental issue and local needs of the planetary. When the administration formed to control and punish, begins to regulate everything, including the inventiveness.

How does this translate on the ground ?

When, for an architect, it becomes impossible to undertake the construction of an equipment or housing, without that it be asked to turn in the stall of foliage, seed or hives, it is that there is no longer a question of anything other than hide the lack of commitment on a political background to the one in command. And not architecture. When, for an architect, it is build the same way in the north or in the south of France, thanks to a regulation the same for everyone (while we are capable of geographies and diverse climates), it is that everything is done in order to control more than to adapt. And nothing else.

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What solutions do you recommend ?

A succession of simple things is possible, which can only come from the political authority. The goal is to promote the freedom to act beyond economic policies and make the qualified people (not the bureaucracy) the space necessary for the formulation of new provisions which are justified by the legitimacy of a breeding ground for intellectual, infinitely operating. Foster also achievements that are creeping into the tradition of the great heritages of the regions, for France to be seen in the world as the territorial model, climate and universal policy in which she must pretend to thanks to its unmatched geographical diversity and the power of his story. Then, a model where the economy and the environment are found, the two, around a new social reality. To promote finally a healthy political and potentially subjective of the architecture and the city. A policy for which governance is built on the understanding of situations and experience and develops within a “ministry-in-charge of the architecture, the city, the landscape, the climate strategy and the construction of” in connection with those of the Economy, the Equipment, the Environment and Culture, and whose results would be assessed from a transverse-mounted ; all of the values that contribute to the balance of the development in solidarity with the territory.

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