From the Parisian concert hall Bataclanin died in 2015 in a terrorist attack 90 people, is a door with the street artist Banksy attributed to the Graffiti had been stolen. Now it showed up again.

2019 was from the Paris Club Bataclan, a Banksy-works It has been stolen to the victims of the Islamist attack in the year 2015 remind, Now the work is again appeared

Update from the 27.06.2020: more than a year Ago, a Banksy disappeared in Paris-works from the Bataclan, the Club, in 2015 an Islamist attack was carried out and in which 90 people died. The plant had been sprayed on a door, by the time many of the spectators escaped, and was regarded as a Symbol of remembrance.

Banksy-works re-emerged – in the case of police RAID

Prior to now, less than two weeks, the Banksy-works showed up again in Italy. The Italian police found it during a RAID in the centre of the country.

How it justice and the police was called on Saturday of circles, have been arrested in France, six Suspect from several regions in custody. Two of them are accused of theft , with four more due to the concealment of the fact. All six Suspects are in custody.

By this door many escaped the death: Banksy-work from Bataclan

source article from 27.01 stolen. 2019: Paris – Bataclan informed on Saturday evening the theft via Twitter. It was very sad. Banksys in June created the factory, a Symbol of remembrance, which belongs to all of us – locals, Parisians, citizens from all over the world – had been stolen. According to the media, the door of the thieves was taken away in wagons to reports in the night to Saturday with a load.

Whether this image is actually from Banksy, is not assured without a doubt. The artist himself has published on his Instagram Account the image of the end of June 2018. In June 2018 appeared in addition to other works in Paris, the Banksy can be attributed, they argued, especially the refugee crisis. The stolen work, made with a stencil and white paint, shows a sad-looking, downward-looking young woman with black-and-white veil.

Banksy-work: It was a tribute to the victims memory of the attack in 2015

The Bataclan said the work was a tribute to the victims of the 13. November, 2015. It was aufgesprayt according to news Agency AFP at a door through which many of the audience escaped in the attack. In a series of terrorist attacks in Paris, the extremists had killed a total of 130 people. The terrorist militia Islamic state (IS) claimed the deeds for himself.

Banksy’s identity is still a mystery. It is known that he comes from Bristol and in the late 90s to London came. He made a name for himself with his socio-critical and usually controversial subjects. His Graffiti is usually surprising, sometimes he gives clues to its authorship.

also read: Creative on Terror: a Survivor paints a book

Famous German street artist Barbara* logs on after a year – with a serious message.

* is part of the nationwide Ippen-Digital editors network.