In the late spring and summer Storms in Central Europe have high season. Lightning can look more fascinating, nevertheless, you should not be underestimated. Up to ten people die every year in Germany, during a Thunderstorm, many are injured. Severe burns, paralysis and brain damage. In order to assess how dangerous the Situation is, anyone can self-determine the distance of the storm. To do this, you have to count the seconds between the lightning and the Thunder offense and divide it by three, three seconds correspond to a Kilometer.

In the vicinity of a tree, whether beech, oak or pine, should be no one to stop during a Thunderstorm, and at least ten meters distance. The reason is that lightning strikes often in the highest point of your environment: electricity pylons, television aerials on high buildings or trees on the field. Threatens great danger in the water. Because the forward voltage – that’s why swimmers need to leave during a Thunderstorm, the water as quickly as possible.

How safe are car-free field and the house?

In the car protected the occupants, because it is a Faraday’s cage, which means, the metal conducts, the voltage at the outer side along. You should make sure the Windows are closed, and you touch any metal parts of your car. But for those of us with a motorcycle or Bicycle on the road should descend and if the Thunderstorm is directly over a wheel stop at least five meters of distance to abide.

there Are walkers on a free surface, such as a field, you should go with close together and the feet in the squat – the best in a trough. So the flash has little attack surface. Stand is not a good idea, as this is higher and more vulnerable. Who is traveling as a group should not huddle too close to each other. Rain screen with the lid closed, and out of your Hand as you make a otherwise larger and metal flashes forwards.

In the house with flash residents are arresters for sure. In the case of a strong Storm, residents should close the shutters to protect the Windows. Electronic devices such as televisions or computers are switched off safely. The phone should not hang in the time of the charging cable, during a lightning strike to a power Surge, which damaged the devices may occur. Unless there is a Surge protector, then the electronic devices can continue to run.

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*The post “squat, or Are written by Charlotte Lazy? How should we behave Thunderstorms the best?” published by world of wonders. Contact with the executives here.

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