Aslan C. is 52 years old. He was born in Turkey and lives in Munich. His official job title is “self employed businessman”. However, in the opinion of the public Prosecutor’s office, he earns his livelihood mainly in other ways: through the Commission of crimes.

Since this Monday, it must be Aslan C. to answer again before the district court of Munich – this time because of gangs and commercially forgery of documents in 14 cases, particularly Grand larceny in eleven cases, and severe band theft in four cases.

multiple offender: Aslan C. in 2013 as a counterfeiter

Aslan C. sitting since February 2019 in custody, sentenced is considered to be the head of a highly professional gang, to have an unusual, but quite lucrative “business model” in The Counterfeiting of Bus and train tickets.

As long as the perpetrators are already employed, you only have to look in the criminal acts of Aslan in C.

Already, in 2013, he had been due to “the production and distribution of counterfeit tickets” in the value of several million euros sentenced to a prison sentence. The rather short prison stay seems to have not the state the desired effect. Shortly after his release, Aslan C. continued his criminal career undeterred – together with his assistant Eda A. and his accomplice Mustafa.

Blank rolls of captured railway:-Tickets for around 9.9 million euros

should Probably have decided by the end of 2013, the Trio, month tickets to the Munich transport and tariff Association (MVV) and the Deutsche Bahn AG “to produce and to sell these profitably,” said the Prosecutor. The band are members of the first Blank ticket roll is concerned. These roles are located in the Ticket-vending machines of the line buses and will always be printed only when a passenger pays on the Bus.

On a single roll of tickets can be worth up to 150,000 Euro to be produced. Overall, the gang is captured, at least 66 of these roles, and for the manufacture of your made ones have used. In theory, you could so imitate Tickets for around € 9.9 million. Part was able to prove it to you, but only a fraction.

“decoy” Eda A. offered to bus drivers Sex to get some with success

the “raw material” for your fakes, the alleged perpetrators of the first drivers of the Munich buses. As a purchase sum for the non-printed ticket rolls they offered you 100 Euro in cash as well as a “profit-sharing” of 1000 Euro, but also new, high-quality mobile phones. These phones were stolen, the band members previously in the consumer electronics markets.

the bus driver, neither of money nor of phones impress, attracted professional Criminals another trump card: they sent an attractive woman offered the men Sex. So cruised “decoy” Eda A. on the evening of the 12. July 2018 at the bus depot in Feldkirchen and coveted by the bus driver G. the issuance of a Blank ticket roll. In return, the 44 promised-Year-old, would you move in with him “sexual intercourse,” as the Prosecutor’s office performs.

In line buses broke and blank tickets stolen

Although the driver refused the raunchy offer. In other cases, the gang was with your mesh successfully, however. According to investigators, the accused Aslan of C. and his accomplice, Eda A. should have given the bus drivers a minimum of four blank ticket roll – but the real number “is likely to be very much higher”.

no later than August 2018, the money-phone-Sex-mesh is not moved, because the bus driver refused increasingly. The group, Aslan C. is to be passed, therefore, in buses to break in and steal Blank ticket.

defendant Aslan C. drove accomplices in the Porsche to crime scenes

Here, the defendant Aslan C. drove the actual thief, Yavuz S., respectively, to bus depots in Ottobrunn, field churches and Brunnthal – in his Porsche SUV. He also presented him with the riser tool. According to the indictment, the already Condemned Yavuz S. stole rollers “at least 62 Blank ticket”. Alone the property damage by the Removing of the buses amounts to more than 12,500 Euro.

For the “edit” of the Blank Tickets, and the conversion in deceptively real-looking monthly tickets was another band member responsible: Mustafa E. The man operating in the Austrian city of Salzburg, a Design Studio. He had according to the investigators “have the necessary Know-how and the technical equipment” for the printing and the cutting of the Fake Tickets.

Empty Tickets in Salzburg printed and dealers.

sold To the satisfaction of the Prosecutor’s office printed Mustafa E. from January 2018 on a large scale counterfeit monthly tickets with validity dates through March 2019. The Tickets were for various rings to the entire network of the Munich-based regional network. In peak times, he a month ago was “at least 86 tickets”, according to investigators.

The original price of a Month ticket then, depending on the number of rings at up to 80 euros. According to prosecutors, the gang members sold to Aslan C. your fakes for half the amount, i.e. 40 euros to middlemen. They made a total profit of at least 43.360 Euro.

RAID in Munich: the beginning of 2019 fake scandal flew to

in the fraud sold to insiders between the traders, for their part, the illegal tickets to unsuspecting customers. As a “reward” for their sales services, they were some Fake Tickets for themselves and their families. Probably the most active intermediaries Orlin D. division in this way “a minimum of 780 euros,” according to investigators.

In February 2019, the fake scandal flew on. During a police RAID at the now accused Aslan of C. and other gang members, the police discovered a total of 118 downstream of the tickets was worth a total of 8500 euros. They should also be sold for profit like many other Fake Tickets before.

mobile phones, headphones and Laptops for 16,000 euros stolen

In the course of the investigation it came out that Aslan C. is apparently for more serious crimes responsible. He is said to have jointly stolen with accomplices from the electronics markets in Munich and Augsburg, “high quality electronics” for the more than 16,000 Euro and sells, among other things “Ebay”. To the stolen goods, game consoles, high-quality headphones, robot vacuum cleaners, Laptops, Apple included watches as well as expensive mobile phones.

The notorious Ticket-forger, Aslan C. is a multi-year imprisonment penalty. Three of his supporters have already been sentenced. The penalties range from one and a half years on probation for aid for up to three years in prison because of gangs and commercially forgery and receiving stolen property. Against other members of the group separate process to run.

In the FOCUS Online/Wochit In Cem Özdemir: “people like the Uniform belongs to stripped – and-now” FOCUS Online/Wochit Cem Özdemir: “Such people is part of the Uniform, stripped, and instantly”