In the first round of the presidential election, the incumbent, came in Duda, according to an Ipsos post-election survey, with 41.8 percent in the first place. The Warsaw mayor Trzaskowski, followed in second place with 30.4 percent of the vote. For the runoff election on may 12. July is expected to be a tight result.

In the first round were eleven candidates for the election. In the surveys, it was clear that Duda, a member of the conservative ruling party, the PiS, would not come to the for the win the required absolute majority. In the second round on may 12. July, he must take the first projections against the Warsaw mayor Trzaskowski. A defeat Dudas would weaken the government’s law and justice party (PiS) significantly.

The faithful henchman of state disagreed with in the past five years, the mighty PiS leader Jaroslaw Kaczynski rare. Instead, he blessed this controversial law changes and generous social benefits. Duda promised before the election to support the government’s planned increase in pension benefits. Additional tailwind, he received a few days before the election in Washington: During a visit to Dudas in the White house, U.S. President Donald Trump praised the “fantastic Job” of the Polish heads of state.

Reuters/Leszek Szymanski/PAP Rafal Trzaskowski.

counterparties were in the election campaign were irreconcilable

The 48-year-old Trzaskowski was stepped up in may, spontaneously, after the original from the liberal civic platform (PO) established an applicant because of poor poll numbers, their candidacy had been withdrawn. He is the “enormous responsibility to fight for a strong state and for democracy,” he said at the time, in allusion to the fear of an erosion of the rule of law and democracy in Poland by the government.

In the value debates that dominated the election campaign, Duda, and Trzaskowski faced each other irreconcilably. While Trzaskowski, the PiS by the Changes in the judiciary condemned and openly for the legalization of same-sex marriage showed, attacked Duda, the Gay and lesbian movement and the European Union.

Trzaskowski sets Dudas law national for quite some time to

Because the opposition candidate Trzaskowski added to the right of the national for quite some time. In 2018, he managed the local election in Warsaw in a landslide victory against the candidate of the government party law and justice (PiS). Trzaskowski comes from a socially engaged family of Intellectuals in Warsaw. His father was in the 1950s, a well-known Jazz Pianist – so at a time, at the rime of these rhythms in the Soviet sphere of influence as the “enemy”music.

The 48-Year-old started his political career in 1989. As a Teenager, he left school and took part in the organization of the first free elections in post-Communist Poland. He studied at the University of Warsaw, where he later made his PhD with a thesis on the Reform of decision-making processes in the European Union. Also in Oxford, Paris and at Warsaw the College of Europe, he studied.

On the accession of Poland to the European Union, Trzaskowski, speaks English, French, German, Italian, Russian, and Spanish had, in the year 2000. He was elected Advisor of the Delegation of the Civic platform in the European Parliament, and in 2009, even as a member of the European Parliament. The climb culminated in 2013 in his appointment in the government of Donald Tusk, who was later President of the European Council.

Trzaskowski was only a technology and then as Minister for Europe, also the Deputy foreign Minister. As a PO-member of the Polish Parliament between 2015 and 2018, he was elected 2017 Vice-President of the European people’s party, the CDU and CSU are anchored. The elegant and eloquent politician, is married and has two children, captured in 2018, then the city hall of Warsaw. He was successful in the then politically deeply divided country with a Unifying Slogan: “Warsaw for everyone”.

dpa/Beata Zawrzal/AP/dpa Andrzej Duda at the time of voting in a polling station in Krakow. The first is projected that Duda has missed the absolute majority.

Poland’s President can Veto legislation

in addition to representative responsibilities, the Polish head of state has according to the Constitution, only in Foreign and defence policy, to have a say. However, the President can Veto the legislation – an Instrument that would have to fear the PiS, would the liberal Trzaskowski to Power.

conversely, it could be a boost to a victory Dudas “Eastern European trends” in Poland and the country in the direction of the “Budapest model” of the back, said the political scientist Anna Materska-Sosowska to the AFP news Agency.

Many of the PiS and the representatives of the right-wing populist Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban as a role model, in the EU the threat to democracy and the rule of law is accused of. Because of the controversial judicial reform of the PiS, the EU has also initiated infringement proceedings against Poland.

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