What is the business of the now insolvent Dax group Wirecard ? Usually the company from Aschheim titled near Munich as a payment service provider – but where, and for whom? In addition, Wirecard operates a Bank, which is, however, excluded from the insolvency.

The good news for consumers: The Broke Wirecards will ensure that the daily Pay is barely enough for turbulence. For this purpose, the German banking industry, the umbrella Association of German banks wrote, on request by FOCUS Online: “The insolvency of Wirecard AG with regard to the particular circumstances, without a doubt, the Reputation of the German financial market. You are not at risk but the stability and functioning of the German banking system.“

  • All the news around the balance sheet scandal with Wirecard, you are here in the Live-Ticker

for This purpose, it was said: “This also applies for the payment, because the Wirecard AG is a supplier among several, and no system has load-bearing significance.” Wirecard is also not a network operator in the EC System. That is to say: Normal payments with EC or debit Card are not affected by the bankruptcy at all.

Aldi, Rewe, Ikea insure: For customers, there are no problems

Also, several retailers claimed that for the customer nothing changes. The Discounter Aldi Süd, for example, told the “world” that we are contractual partners of the Wirecard Bank, which is exempt from the bankruptcy. The Bank handles for Aldi credit card payments and gift card transactions. According to Aldi may be inferred, therefore, “for our customers, in both areas, no changes”.

Aldi customers could continue to pay with a credit card, and also the redemption of the gift cards was not a Problem. “The balance on the cards are safe and covered,” assured Aldi Süd, compared to the “world”. Also in the case of the supermarket chain Rewe, there are no problems due to the Wirecard insolvency. “As the REWE Group in Germany, there is no cooperation with Wirecard, we are not affected in any way,” read on request. A response from the industry competitor Edeka stand to the last. You can write to us

you currently Have problems with various modes of payment, for which Wirecard is involved? You write to us about their experiences – mein-bericht@focus.de

The sheet was found to be next to Aldi, the furniture store chain Ikea, a Partner Wirecards. Here, the company announced on request by FOCUS Online, however, that the franchisee for the business in Germany IKEA, the Ingka group, not a business relationship with Wirecard entertain. “Restrictions on payments in our stores due to Wirecard, we can exclude that,” the company said. Only in the case of Ikea markets in Southeast Asia, there are relationships to Wirecard – but that is a different franchisee than Ingka.

A complete all-clear for the German retail sector may, however, be given. As the trade Association Germany (HDE) said, there is no Central Overview of how far Wirecard as a payment service provider is used in retail. The Association may not assess, therefore, what is the impact of the insolvency on the full retail.

Prepaid credit cards: Here is the loss of money

threatens, However, there are areas in which consumers now have to watch out for. In the case of Prepaid credit cards (also called prepaid credit cards), for example, the risk to actually lose money. To this end, consumers themselves will need to in the General terms and conditions (GTC) of the provider to see if Wirecard is involved. Often, it is not clear whether in the case of a credit card, Wirecard will be involved in the Background.

as Long as it is the Wirecard Bank as a service provider, at the Prepaid credit cards, do not need customer to provide – here are the statutory and private Deposit protection attacks. The financial supervision Bafin and the German Federal Association of banks informed already. Even if the money is handed in the loyalty Visa or Mastercard is parked, everything is safe.

however, it Is pre-paid transactions without the Bank or the Trustee, as offered by Wirecard subsidiary Wirecard Solutions, there could be problems. These are not protected from the insolvency, in the worst cases, customers could lose their deposits here. This could be, among other things, for the following German-speaking providers of the case: EPay Cards, Blue Cards and the International Student Identity Card the Travel Cash Flex Prepaid. EPay indicates in its terms and conditions even of the possibility to lose through a bankruptcy, the money on the cards.

there are restrictions in the network. Where Wirecard about transfer offers immediately, this Service is no longer usable, such as the career network Xing. Otherwise credit card payments will not work if Wirecard the service provider is in the Background. You can write to us

you currently Have problems with various modes of payment, for which Wirecard is involved? You write to us about their experiences – mein-bericht@focus.de

debt avalanche and Euro collapse: the financial expert Friedrich explains his Crash-Depot FOCUS Online/Wochit debt avalanche and Euro collapse: the financial expert Friedrich explains his Crash-Depot

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