The energy Report 2020 takes a detailed look at how Federal government for the citizens of the German energy landscape. The market researchers of Civey respondents on behalf of the energy company Uniper 2500 people over the age of 18 years.

As the most important statements of the study, summarizes:

  • Renewable energies and hydrogen are the future.
  • energy storage for the future energy supply is of crucial importance.
  • consumers of climate protection is an important goal – at the same time they are unlikely to be willing to accept higher energy prices.

German consumers in energy-price sensitive

shows the last statement: protection of the environment is popular with the citizens of the great (verbal) consent. A modification of the energy generation leads to higher prices, consumers respond but sensitive.

In the process, they not only have their own wallet in mind. 74 percent expressed the fear that climate policy is combined with rising energy prices – and especially low-income households are likely to suffer.

This attitude seems to be plausible because of rising energy prices with the savings can be met. However, you can not arbitrarily expand, even in the case of families with low financial resources.

Only the age group of 30 – to 39-Year-olds with higher electricity prices

make friends With the concrete question is: how much higher prices would you be willing to pay for climate friendly energy, said the majority of simply with “nothing”. Only in the age group of 30 – to 39-Year-old this attitude of only a minority. Nearly a third would even be willing to accept ten percent higher prices.

How much more money would you be willing for energy given? Uniper, Civey

The majority of the respondents the age groups, higher energy rejects prices.

the energy Report: in 2020, will be Presented on 1. July in Berlin in the framework of an energy conference. Among the speakers of the Bavarian Prime Minister, Markus Söder (CSU).

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