Bad news on the job front. The Air France group account to delete more than 7 500 jobs by the end of 2022, of which 6 560 within the company habs, and more than 1,000 in the regional airline Hop !, has learned on Tuesday 30 June 2020 Agence France-Presse from union sources. “The needs are in sharp decline on the whole of the period in connection with the fall of activity and the need to accelerate the transformation of the company,” says management upstream of an economic and social committee central (CESC) scheduled for Friday at Air France.

deletions of positions, expressed in CDI FTE (full time equivalent), will go through natural attrition not being replaced (approximately 3 500 41 000 at Air France) and by voluntary departures for the most part, even if of the same sources, departures forced are not excluded for the staff of the network for short-haul. Hop !, which currently has approximately 2,400 FTES source of association, is particularly affected. According to several sources, the sites of maintenance of Hop ! in Morlaix and Lille are under threat of closure, as a base of flight crew Air France in Toulouse.

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At Air France, the departures have to pass through the ruptures in conventional collective for the personal flight, while a voluntary redundancy plan (POS) is the preferred choice for ground staff. The management wishes to open negotiations with the staff unions on the ground at the beginning of July for early departures early in the year 2021.

The pandemic of Covid-19, a shock unprecedented

Contacted by Agence France-Presse, the management of Air France, he wanted to book ” the scoop of the presentation of its strategic orientations and their impacts on employment the social partners and employee representative bodies, and that it will convene Friday, July 3, during a CESC “. “The sustained decline in activity and the economic context linked to the crisis of the Covid-19 needed to accelerate the transformation of Air France,” she says, saying the study ” the set of tools allowing to adjust headcount to the reduced activity, with a focus on volunteering and mobility “.

The shock related to the outbreak of Covid-19 was unprecedented for a French company as to its international rivals, which have been chained these last few weeks, the announcements of cuts in their staff : 22 000 in the German group Lufthansa, 12 000 in British Airways or even 10,000 for the american Delta Air Lines.

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The French State, shareholder of Air France-KLM, has provided financial support of € 7 billion to the franco-Dutch group, of which $ 4 billion of bank loans guaranteed and $ 3 billion of direct loan, asking it to improve its profitability and its environmental impact. In response, the director general of Air France-KLM, Benjamin Smith, announced at the end of may the reduction of the French network (deficiency) of 40 % by the end of 2021.