The Corona-crisis has plunged the aviation industry into its worst crisis. Machines stay on the floor, the demand for new aircraft is limited. This is not over on the aviation giants Airbus without a trace.

Berlin (dpa) – The aircraft manufacturer Airbus, a sharp set threatens removal. As a reaction to the air travel crisis, the group wants to cut for two years, its production and its deliveries to 40 percent, according to Airbus CEO Guillaume Faury, the “world” said on Monday.

“We can’t detach ourselves from the developments in Airlines,” said Faury. The IG Metall, warns of the threat of deforestation and proposes to distribute the work on multiple heads.

This crisis is in terms of its scale and duration unprecedented, so is Airbus. The aerospace group expects that before the end of July for further details about the measures shall be notified. First of all, it had to be made with the social partners, communicates. To external speculation in connection with internal meetings, you generally. In Germany, Airbus tens of employees thousands of employees and numerous locations – for instance, in Hamburg-Finkenwerder.

Despite the throttling of the business but no final Assembly line, – said Faury. All of the models would continue to be produced, “but at a slower pace”. At each site, will search for ways to reduce costs. “We are turning over every stone.” The group had previously spoken of a production reduction of approximately 30 percent. Now the talk is of 40 percent, because the difference to the previously planned expansion of Production, increases in 2020/21.

From the best-selling series A320 should only be made 40 machines per month. Currently, many ready-made aircraft to be parked, said Faury. The Airlines do not take off due to the downturn in the market by the Corona-crisis first. It will take until the end of 2021, before production and deliveries are again in line, said the Airbus in-chief of the blade.

it is Speculated that up to 15,000 jobs in the civilian aircraft division, with 90,000 employees are affected. “It is necessary to adapt to the massive decrease in production figures. It comes to secure our future,” said Faury. The Airbus boss does not want to rule out redundancies in principle, as by means of a second Corona-wave, the anticipated recovery might worsen.

The IG Metall Union sounds the Alarm. “Short-time work alone is not enough to bridge this situation,” warned Jürgen Kerner, Executive managing Board member of IG Metall and the Airbus Supervisory Board. He had proposed in the “Frankfurt General Sunday newspaper” to distribute the work to multiple heads – a “collective reduction of working time”, following the example of VW. “We must do everything to come without a hard-on reduction in staff due to the crisis,” said Kerner. The Virus should not be used as a pretext for cuts at the expense of the employees.

aerospace and defence group Airbus is like the whole air travel industry because of the Covid-19 pandemic in a serious crisis. The President of France, Emmanuel Macron announced a few weeks ago a 15 billion Euro heavy rescue package for the aviation industry. In France, nearly 50,000 people work alone at Airbus with the control centre in Toulouse.

Good news, meanwhile, there is the arch-rival Boeing. After more than a year of the start of prohibition for the Mittelstreckenjet Boeing 737 Max, the US aircraft manufacturer test flights can start. The US aviation authority FAA announced on Sunday the green light for the Start of the corresponding flights with test pilots. Up to a re-authorisation of the model for the air traffic but would take still several hurdles to clear. After two crashes, with a total of 346 of the dead regulators all over the world in March of 2019 had a prohibition of a start for the 737 Max to be imposed. In addition, Boeing is not allowed to deliver new machines in the series since then.

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