The long distance duel between NRW-father of the country, Armin Laschet (CDU) and Minister-President of Bavaria, Markus Söder (CSU) went on the Tuesday in the next round. Both Corona-crisis Manager of the gifts in quick succession press conferences. The one that Armin Laschet, had to act, obtain from the Defensive to the Corona outbreak in Gütersloh, as well as to an alleged state guarantee for FC Schalke 04 position. Söder, of the wanted with Corona-mass tests, regardless of shown symptoms for all Bavarian citizens points, had to defend his Plan against the partly harsh criticism. In advance from the point of view of rhetoric-experts: It was good.

About the expert

Michael Ehlers rhetoric trainer and coach for over two decades, public figures, entrepreneurs, Top-managers, professional sports coaches and many more. The multiple best-selling author (including rhetoric – The art of speech in the digital age) is a sought after expert and has duels, for example for the WDR, the great Chancellor, and more is analyzed. Ehlers is the President of the Club 55 (European Community of Experts in Marketing & Sales, Geneva) and the managing partner of the Institut Michael Ehlers GmbH in Bamberg. Ehlers, the Director of the Center for Rhetoric at SGMI Management Institute St. Gallen, and lecturer at the St. Galler Management program (SMP). He regularly appears at events as a Keynote Speaker.

Laschet, who was sitting all alone behind his table and almost crouched, drove a clearly recognizable Corona-strategy. He was the outbreak in the Tönnies meat factories as an inevitable pandemic sequence. “We are yet to experience many outbreaks, such as Gütersloh, you can’t calculate. We have to live with this pandemic, until a vaccine or a drug has been found“, – said the politician. This is sent. Because if you can’t calculate the outbreaks, you can in the run-up to little. dpa/Rolf Venn Bernd/dpa, Armin Laschet (CDU), Minister President of North Rhine-Westphalia.

And even better: like in bad weather no one is to blame for this. In any case, it is not the policy. In rhetoric we call this technique a flawless anticipation. A rhetorical method often works, because it draws the listener consciously in a desired direction and at the same time pretend as if you have the Problem on the screen. If somewhere there is a fault, then to follow up with Tönnies. In its Operated finally the animal were in compliance with the protection category, but “the people’s protection categories,” said Laschet. You do not know which worker lives where.

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Laschet have hemmed and hawed on the subject of Schalke 04 rum

But for Laschet, it’s no longer to the quite successful micro-Management in Gütersloh or the leadership in North Rhine-Westphalia: “The Dimension of this Corona-the crisis is immense. It provides our company the question of whether it holds together,” the Prime Minister and raised the issue on a much higher, a whole-of-society level. He, Laschet, would not “acted shots in quickly in the basic rights of intervention”, surprised but, “like many others in the party political competition for me fast” shots. Name he called. Also not, wherein the “quick shots” of the “many others” and their intervention in the fundamental rights there should be. That was weak.

Even a strong finish was due to persistent Demands to a possible state guarantee for FC Schalke 04, the Supervisory Board, a certain Mr. Tönnies is the Chairman after all, denied. More bad than right, the Prime Minister expressed a clear denial. His Smile is usually sought. But he staged not sufficient to be considered as a strong father of the country. This listless appearance was one of the selected seat position to the ill-fitting suit – not his strongest.

Aiwanger and Huml take Söder unpleasant topics

13 PM, Markus Söder, according to drew. As a field commander on the left and on the right, flanked by his aide-de-camp state Minster Hubert Aiwanger and Minister of state Melanie Huml, he said in his opening statement short, concise, and quite persuasive, the concept of voluntary and free testing for Everyone. Thanks to his aide-de-camp, he was able to focus on the big picture. Sven Hoppe/dpa, Markus Söder at the press conference on Tuesday. Detail questions Melanie Huml, unpleasant questions about Wirecard Hubert Aiwanger answered for him took over. Söder worked alone through the Setting much more agile and aggressive than its competitor. Where he can, he leaves his effects to chance. Accurately shows the long-term high level of professionalism. This effect is transferred to the content. The effect noted:!

NRW confirmed Söders strategy

at the beginning of his presentation he made it clear from which groups of the population, the largest support comes, among other things, by the staff of day-care centres and schools, as well as from the ranks of the police. And who wanted to argue. Who wants to criticize measures that would ultimately serve the health of the most Vulnerable, the children. He, Söder, make with the test a offer to the citizens. In the aftermath he spoke of a “very large civil service”.

And then he of course took the competitors in the crosshairs: Corona was quickly and this is why you should not hesitate. Other countries went the other way, you accept, believe, however, that the own way was better, ushered in the attack. And he had strong arguments: it is precisely the events in Gütersloh, where now also Tests for Everyone will be worked, confirmed his strategy.

Söder> even aware <p Then he made the difference between him and Laschet significantly. It is the difference between act (Söder) and respond (Laschet). Because while Laschet was made and the next outbreaks as an almost inevitable natural disasters, made it clear Söder, that one can prepare quite: The Tests were a bold concept, but the time is appropriate. The Tests are primarily an early-warning system in view of the expected second wave. And a strong Argument had the Franke in the back of your hand: The last politician who had publicly criticized by a large number of Test, was none other than Donald Trump.

Söder felt visibly comfortable in his skin and in his role as a crisis Manager. I watched in the past always a very set and deliberate Gestures. On Tuesday, he acts very freely: When he is received, for example, to the comments of the AfD. He celebrates the good Numbers in Germany and assumes, of course, Bavaria. Where do you get this strength and self-confidence? So much of this pandemic for the economy and it actually should confuse, as much as she use to at the end of the strong crisis managers. And Söder has been shown, in my view, this Tuesday is the strongest.

Laschet comments Green-statement by Merz and quips then about the tie FOCUS Online Laschet comments Green-statement by Merz and quips then about the tie