The holiday month of July coasters regularly-kilometre-long traffic jams on the car with. Also in the corona of a crisis, the roads fill up. How bad it is and when you start as a traffic jam?

Berlin/Munich (dpa/tmn) – The coming weekend (3. to 5. July) a calculate car drivers for the way in the vacation a little more time. July is a traditional holiday month. Now, Rhineland-Palatinate, Hesse and Saarland also start in the holidays.

The Auto Club Europa (ACE), a higher volume of traffic on the highways than in the preceding weeks. The ADAC expects, as well, with numerous traffic jams. And although in corona, times of travel and more tourists in domestic and also with the car, are not likely to accept the traffic jams, the dimensions of the previous years, say, the car clubs. Because overall, less traveled.

the North and to the South of the Republic are equally affected by the danger of Congestion. The tourists it attracts more in the direction of the Alps, to the coasts of the North sea and the Baltic sea. And also in the opposite direction, it can be tight, because the first tourists already on the journey home.

Starting Friday at noon until into the evening commuters for full streets. Saturday brings as a classic the day of arrival until late in the afternoon a high level of congestion risk. On Sunday, in turn, the return travel routes to fill. Tip from ACE: Make you look the best only on Sunday on the way, otherwise on Saturday as early as possible.

in addition to the trunk roads in the direction of the North sea and the Baltic sea and the large Hamburg and Cologne areas, the car clubs are expected on the following routes in both directions with the risk of traffic Jams:

A 1 Köln – Dortmund – Bremen – Hamburg – Lübeck – PuttgardenA 1/A 3/A 4 Cologne RingA 2 Berlin – Hannover – DortmundA 3 Passau – Nürnberg – Würzburg – Frankfurt – KölnA 4 Kirchheimer triangle Erfurt – DresdenA 5 Basel – Karlsruhe – Frankfurt – had Bacher DreieckA 6 Metz – Saarbrücken – Kaiserslautern – Mannheim – Heilbronn – NürnbergA 7 Hamburg – Flensburg and Füssen/Reutte – Ulm – Würzburg – Hannover – HamburgA 8 Salzburg – Munich – Stuttgart – KarlsruheA 9 Berlin – Nuremberg – MünchenA 10 Berlin RingA 11 Berliner Ring – triangle UckermarkA 19 Wittstock – RostockA 24 Berlin – Wittstock – HamburgA 31 Bottrop – EmdenA 61 Mönchengladbach – Koblenz – LudwigshafenA 81 Singen – Stuttgart – HeilbronnA 93 Inntal triangle KufsteinA 95 Munich – Garmisch-Partenkirchen, kirchena 99 by-pass Munich

In Austria and Switzerland, the transit routes and the paths in the holiday to fill areas. This can cause in Austria, especially on the fern pass and the Brenner pass and around Salzburg disorders. Patience should have drivers in Switzerland, especially before the Gotthard tunnel.

© dpa-infocom, dpa:200629-99-604790/2

traffic forecast of the ACE

traffic forecast of the ADAC

ADAC about the Situation at the borders